April W H A T W E A R E L E A R N I N G T H I S W E E K . . . Name: NEWS & NOTES First Grade WEEK OF: 10-14, 2017 Reading Read from Raz Kids or other books 15 minutes each night. We are concentrating on fluency this week! Other homework will include Ed Puzzle. Homework is for a grade and is an essential review of skills for the students. I will be sending home notes for parent conferences in the next week. This will be to discuss the progress of your student. Poetry – Alliteration and Rhyming Work on Writing NOTES & REMINDERS FROM THE TEACHER: Poetry Math Three Dimensional Shapes Important Dates April 11 – Field Trip News About the field trip: Sack lunch (in a bag) no lunch boxes. Light sweater. Comfortable shoes (tennis shoes, sneakers) April 14 – No School Science W H A T W E A R E L E A R N I N G T H I S W E E K . . . Interdependency of Animals Social Studies 4 Regions in Texas Culture STAY CONNECTED: Lunch: 11:10 - 11:40 Conference: 2:00-2:30 holmanp@cisd.net; delacruzc@cisd.net 817-252-2433/2435 SPELLING SKILL: SPELLING RULE EXAMPLES: Sight Words: Students will be picking 6 words from their data binders they need to work on. Vowel pairs: Final Stable Syllable Tumble, turtle, purple, candle, puzzle, angle, castle, giggle, little, apple