Pool Safety!!!
Inspiration: My inspiration came from my dad. He would come home and tell stories about calls he would go on. Living in Arizona with the crazy heat he would tell about a lot of the drowning he would see. After hearing these stories over and over and not understanding why so many kids would drown it made nothing but sense to do my senior project on pool safety. Most drowning can be prevented with care.
Issue: The main issue is that kids are getting hurt around the water when most of the times it can/could have been prevented. “On average nearly 90 people die from drowning in Arizona each year with the majority of these deaths are happening between April to August.”
Plan: My plan is to make people aware about pool safety. What pool safety prevents and how to use pool safety around all water. With helpful tips that people of all ages can understand.
Plan/ Research Based on the information that I gathered and with the picture below I have came up with a plan. My plan is to raise awareness about pool safety to get Arizonas number lower to the US average. With knowing these numbers I made posters to raise awareness. I put these posters up at a pool for everyone to see the numbers as well.
Impact: With the poster I have received a lot of positive comeback. With people telling me that it made them watch more closely to not just there kids but also the kids around because there are careless parents that just send there kids out to do whatever. With the results that I got back from my posters this made me feel really great about my project knowing that I did what I was suppose to be doing. Making awareness to the community about a topic that can hopefully be prevented in the future where the rates of accidents that happen around the water are super low.
Evidence: While I was hanging the poster/taking them down I had many people come up to me and just thank me for taking my time to tell people about this. With living in a large community with a pool that is very popular during the hot days they felt that it was important to make the community aware about what happened around the water or what could happen to make it a better place with fewer unnecessary accidents.
Impact on me: While doing this research and finding out how much things happen when pool safety is not in place is really disappointing. It made me realize how important pool safety really is. As I grow up I will enforce these rules for my kids and around friends and family . This will hopefully get them to realize the importance and they will do the same. By doing so it will cause the statics to go down and less accidents will happen around water.
Help grow This has helped me grow as a person. While doing this project and watching kids or even my brother it has made me more aware about my surrounds. This has also helped my community grow as a whole to not just want who they came with but to help but to watch everyone around as well. You can not predict the future and what will happen but you can help prevent it.
Future In the near future I want to see the downing rates in Arizona go down even if its just a couple of percentage points. It would mean so much to me to show that I did something for the community. Together I believe that we can make pool awareness go up and accidents around the water go down
B H S enevolence onor cholarship In my project it showed benevolence. Benevolence means to show a kind act where you are unselfish. To help someone or a group of people become aware of something. That’s exactly what I did in my project I helped a group of people become aware about pool safety and the dangers. onor S cholarship
Conclusion: In conclusion, have fun out in the sun on a hot day do what you love to do. Always remember the safety rules around water, at the pool, or wherever you are going it will keep you out of danger. Don’t just watch out for the people that you are with but everyone as a whole you may see something that someone else doesn’t.
Hopefully by enforcing pool safety and letting all ages know the rules to be around water we can lessen these numbers little by little. Passing the word and enforcing the rules of the pool these numbers shouldn’t be nearly as high as they are today.
Works cited http://iaff523.org/?page_id=75 https://www.pinterest.com/barringtonpools/swimming-pool-tips-and-articles/ http://www.sobrasa.org/drowning-chain-of-survival-workshop-world-conference-on-drowning-prevention-potsdam-germany-2013/ http://www.pahi.org/swimming_pool_safety.html http://bashabearsfootball.com/files/2013/06/Basha-Bear-Head.png http://blog.poolcenter.com/getdocument.aspx?filename=unintentional-drowning-CDC.gif https://www.pinterest.com/wflhealthcare/water-and-swimming-safety/ http://www.phoenixchildrens.org/community/injury-prevention-center/water-safety/water-safety-information http://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/au-m-010-water-safety-display-posters