Aaron Nunez Runnels Kiger Naragon Hager Ragsdale Spelling List 7 Week 8 The (k) sound has many spellings. We need to practice the ones we have learned and add a new one. In one syllable words: after a short vowel, (k)= ck and after a long vowel (k) = ke. 1. black 4. hike 2. quick 5. bike 3. quack 6. woke 7. brake This week we are adding the (k) sound after a consonant. (k) = k after a consonant. This spelling pattern is being paired with ar, which sounds like the name of the letter r. 8. park 9. mark 10. dark 11. bark Add final –er for: 12. marker 13. sparkler Spirit Stick Sale Week of: Strive Info Night Oct 10-14, 2016 Reports Cards Big Kahuna Fundraiser Week 7 Cursive Letters: L,W,X,O Picture Day 2.13A (S)Identify the topic and explain the author’s purpose (PIE) in writing the text. Topic - what the author is writing about, the subject (e.g., polar bears) 2.Fig19A (P)Establish purposes for reading selected text 2.5B (R)Use context to determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words. Ice Cream Spelling Builders Picture Day Week 8 Ice Cream Spelling Builders Week 9 Ice Cream Spelling Builders Spelling Builders Week 10 2.21 C (R )Distinguish among declarative and interrogative sentences. (1 st paper-follow the writing process steps) 2.17A (P)PLAN 2.17B ( R)DEVELOP Suggested Resources: Declarative and Interrogative: (maybe stations) - Henry and Mudge story practice workbook pages 32,36,41,45 Topic 5 2.4B Add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations. -Count back Ice Cream Spelling Builders Spellingcity.com A fun way to practice your spelling words! Week 11 NOTES: Costumes: -no blood, guts or gore -no fake weapons -no face paint Fall Festival: October 28th Classroom Costume: We will have a classroom costume contest on October 28th Math -We will add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and knowledge of place value. * Strategies include: 100’s chart, base ten blocks, number line, etc. Week at a Glance ELAR Social Studies -We will determine the author’s purpose for writing a story. -We will use the text to determine the meaning of multiple meaning words or unfamiliar words. - We will determine whether a sentence is a question or a statement. -We will interpret information on maps and globes using basic map elements such as title, orientation (north, south, east, west), and legend/map keys. -We will learn about good citizenship and good citizens. Aaron Nunez Runnels Kiger Naragon Hager Ragsdale Reminders: *You can check cafeteria balances through Skyward Family Access. Daily Skills Practice: READ 20 MINUTES DAILY AND LOG IN FOLDER, STUDY SPELLING WORDS AND MATH FACTS DAILY. SPELLING BUILDER ON FRIDAY.