Homework PWN #1 due tomorrow Test on World War I / Russian Revolution Friday (40 multiple choice questions). Rewrite of the DBQ due Monday.
1. What were the four MAIN causes of World War I? Militarism Alliances: Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) vs. Triple Entente (Great Britain, France and Russia) Imperialism Nationalism
2. What was the “spark” that started World War I? On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie are visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. They are murdered by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian who wants to rid Bosnia of Austrian rule. War begins because of the alliances Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia to get back at them for killing the Archduke Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary to help Serbia. Austria-Hungary’s allies (Germany, Italy) and Russia’s allies (Great Britain, France) now have to go to war with each other.
3. List the two major sides in World War I Central Powers (originally the Triple Alliance) Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Italy (1914-1915, then they switch sides) Allied Powers (originally the Triple Entente) Great Britain France Russia (drops out in 1917 because of the Russian Revolution) Italy (join in 1915) United States (join in 1917)
5. What does it mean that World War I was a “total war” Total War: When you devote all of a nation’s resources to the war effort Conscription Planned Economies Getting women involved Propaganda
6. Provide three reasons why the United States got involved on the side of the Allies? Unrestricted submarine warfare Lusitania sinking Zimmerman Telegram
7. Treaty of Versailles? What was it? How did it punish Germany? Why did it fail to create a lasting peace?
8. How did each of the following factors contribute to the start of the Russian Revolution? Nicholas II Industrialization Russo-Japanese War Bloody Sunday World War I
9. In what ways did Lenin and the Bolsheviks provide “peace, land and bread” following the November 1917 revolution? In what ways did they NOT succeed in providing these things? How they did succeed: How they didn’t succeed:
10. What does it mean that Joseph Stalin established a totalitarian government in the Soviet Union? For each of the following things that Stalin did, explain what it was and how it is an example of totalitarianism: Five Year Plans Establishment of collective farms Pro-Stalin propaganda The Great Purge