Helium-filled balloon in the same train: How will it place itself ? Riddle: Train accelerates. A lamp or rubber ball will hang as shown in the upper picture Helium-filled balloon in the same train: How will it place itself ? PHYS208 - spring 2010 - page 1
how fast did you give the answer: (B) A related riddle: how fast did you give the answer: A stone is placed on a toy boat. The stone is now moved to the water. What will happen? Result (A) or result (B) ? Will the level of water in the container rise or sink? And thus the whole story of Archimedes law and buoyancy – OPPDRIFT (norwegian) Any floating object displaces its own weight of fluid. – Archimedes of Syracuse PHYS208 - spring 2010 - page 2
We have discussed one more illustration of holes: BUBBLES Bubbles travel uppwads Stones are falling downwards We have discussed one more illustration of holes: BUBBLES And Helium-filled balloon And thus the whole story of Archimedes law and buoyancy – OPPDRIFT (norwegian) Any floating object displaces its own weight of fluid. – Archimedes of Syracuse PHYS208 - spring 2010 - page 3