The Texas Records Exchange (TREx) and Scanning 2016-2017 Cynthia Nemons, Primary TREx Contact Allease Shepard, Secondary TREx Contact Stephanie Hooks, Additional TREx Contact HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Federal and State Programs
Objectives To supplement the TEA and HISD online training modules Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Training Agenda Scanning Adding an Attachment Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Scanning Records Using the Naming Convention Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Scanning Records Schools that have purchased a scanner, may scan records to send through TREx, saving the file as a PDF. When you scan documents or produce PDF records from Chancery, you must name the file according to the TREx naming standards. Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 1: Select Scanner Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 2: Scan Document Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 3: Save Scanned File in Adobe Acrobat Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 4: View File in Adobe Acrobat Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 5: Save Using Naming Convention Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 5: Save Using Naming Convention Continued Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Naming Standards ####LastName_FirstName_Descriptor## #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID LastName = student’s last name FirstName = student’s first name Descriptor = le (Limited English Proficiency (LEP) attachment) ## - two-digit generation number (01-99)* to allow for multiple attachments within type Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Descriptors for Attachments le - Limited English Proficiency (LEP) attachment im - Immunization record attachment) gt - Gifted/Talented (GT) attachment, such as a GT profile ms - Miscellaneous record ot - Other – to be used for any document that the district is uncomfortable giving any indication of what is contained within the document tl - Transcript Legend Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Numbers for Attachments ## - two-digit generation number (01-99)* to allow for multiple attachments within type *Note: Numbers 81-89 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Disciplinary Action AttachmentsDisciplinary Action attachments. *Note: Numbers 91-99 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Individual Education Plan (IEP) attachments. Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Examples of Attachments The student record extract file is named: 1234Shaw_Laura_stu The attachments are named: 1234Shaw_Laura_im01(Immunization Record) 1234Shaw_Laura_le01(LEP Assessment Profile) 1234Shaw_Laura_le02(Second LEP document) 1234Shaw_Laura_ms01(Testing document) 1234Shaw_Laura_ot81-Unexpired Disciplinary Action document 1234Shaw_Laura_ot91(IEP document) Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Step 6: View Saved File in TREx Folder Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
Online TREx Training To learn how to add attachments (scanned documents) go to the TEA and HISD online trainings. TEA: Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs
TREx Support Chancery & TREx Cynthia Nemons Allease Shepard 713-556-6744 Allease Shepard Stephanie Hooks Federal and State Compliance Federal and State Programs