How to use myProgress (Performance Matters) All you need to know to administer local assessments
What we will learn today How do I release/unrelease tests? How do I monitor online assessments? How do I monitor scans? How do I view results?
Accessing Performance Matters
Accessing Performance Matters
Accessing Performance Matters
How do I release/unrelease tests? UNIFY>Tests>Test Center
Test Center The following tasks can all be accomplished via Test Center. Search for, preview, edit, copy, or delete tests to which you have the appropriate permissions. Download tests (not for DF) and scan sheets for all of your students, one class, or for a filtered set of students. Make tests available for selected students to take via OLA (online assessment). Download a test answer key. (not for DF) Access the Student Item Analysis report for tests that have student results.
Test Center When you first open Test Center, the full list of tests to which you have access is displayed. Your access to a test can be determined by any of the following: It was a test created by you. You have been granted some level of access permissions to the test by the test creator or administrator. Any of your students are in the student population defined by the course type and grade level settings of the test.
Test Center You have a few different tools available to help you locate a particular test. Click on the Additional Filters button to use saved and/or student filters. Select a course subject or assessment category from the drop-down menus provided. Deselect the checkbox for 'Limit to Open Test Window' to view tests not currently scheduled for administration. Begin typing in the search box to find a test by name or ID number.
Test Center For each test in your list, one or more of the following options will be available depending on your permissions and the test settings.
Test Center In addition, you may have the option to perform the following actions on one or more tests in the list. Simply select the desired test(s) using the corresponding checkboxes, then choose the action from the drop-down menu provided.
Test Center Whenever you click the Release icon, a pop-up window will appear. Initially, the window will display the full student population based on the test settings for course type and grade level. All students will be selected by default.
Test Center If the test has multiple sections, select a section from the drop-down menu. Each section of a multi-section test must be released independently. Determine the student population for test administration. To narrow the list of students for selection, you have multiple options. Use saved and/or student filters. Select a specific class from the list provided. Begin typing in the search box to locate a specific student name. Either select all students listed using the top checkbox, or select individual students using their corresponding checkboxes. Finally, click the action buttons at the bottom of the window to administer the test. Buttons available will depend on the administration options enabled for this test window. Blank Answer Sheet - Use this to download a blank answer sheet (without student name). Preslugged Sheets - Use this to download preslugged answer sheets for every student selected. Release - Use this to provide access to the test via OLA for every student selected. Unrelease - Use this to remove access to the test via OLA for every student selected.
Test Center For tests administered via OLA, you can track overall progress in the status box located above the student list and individual student progress in the Status column of the list. There are four possible statuses: Unassigned: the student cannot access test because it is not released to them. Assigned: the test is released, but the student has not logged in. In Progress: the student is taking the test. Finished: the student has completed the test by exiting it, and their results will be in the reports.
How do I monitor online assessments? UNIFY>Tests>OLA Student Admin
OLA Student Admin Choose a test from the drop-down menu provided. Tests with multiple sections will be listed by section.
OLA Student Admin An overall summary of the testing status is presented above a list of the full student population for the selected test. Each student's testing status is displayed.
OLA Student Admin Students displayed can be narrowed down using the Additional Filters. Student test status can be monitored in real time if the Live Updates checkbox is selected. This is especially useful for knowing if students have been locked out of a test. The row will be highlighted in yellow when student testing status changes. Students displayed can be filtered by status by clicking on the blue number buttons in the status summary. Students in the population assigned to take the test via OLA will display a star icon; those assigned to take the test via paper/pencil will display a document icon. Student progress can be monitored by viewing the number of items that have been answered. This is especially useful for identifying students who answered all questions but forgot to exit, or those who exited the test but didn't finish answering all questions.
OLA Student Admin Statuses are as follows: Unassigned - students that have not had the test released to them for administration Assigned - students that have had the test released to them, but have not begun taking it In Progress - students that are currently taking the test or have paused the test Locked - students that clicked away from the testing browser window when Secure Test Lockout was enabled Submitted - students that have completed the test and clicked on the Exit button to submit their test for scoring that day; results will be available in pending item analysis reports Finished - students who have completed the test and clicked on the Exit button on a previous day; results will be available in all reports
OLA Student Admin – Assign a Student to Take a Test To assign a student to take the test, follow these steps. Select the student using the checkbox next to their name. The row will be highlighted in blue. From the 'Choose an action' menu, select Release to OLA. The student status will change to Assigned.
OLA Student Admin – Remove a Student Assigned to Take a Test in Error To remove a student assigned to take a test, follow these steps. Select the student using the checkbox next to their name. The row will be highlighted in blue. From the 'Choose an action' menu, select Move to Unassigned. The student status will change to Unassigned.
OLA Student Admin – Submit a Test for a Student Who Forgot to Exit Students currently taking the test have a status of In Progress. If a student does not click on the Exit button to submit their test, it will need to be done manually. Follow these steps. Select the student using the checkbox next to their name. The row will be highlighted in blue. From the 'Choose an action' menu, select Move to Submitted. The student status will change to Submitted. The results will be available in Pending Reports within a minute and all reports populated the next day.
OLA Student Admin – Restore Access to a Test a Student Exited in Error Students who have completed the test and clicked on the Exit button that day will have a status of Submitted. If the student exited the test in error, move their test back to In Progress by following these steps. Select the student using the checkbox next to their name. The row will be highlighted in blue. From the 'Choose an action' menu, select Move Submitted to In Progress. The student status will change to In Progress, and they can continue taking the test. Students who have completed the test and clicked on the Exit button on a previous day will have a status of Finished. If the student exited the test in error, move their test back to In Progress by following these steps. From the 'Choose an action' menu, select Move Finished to In Progress. The student status will change to In Progress, and they can continue taking the test. The new score will overwrite the old score.
How do I monitor scans? ScanView: This tool will allow you to see an overview of all scans to which your role has access and let you drill down to look at specific scan sheets.
ScanView – Recent Scan List The Recent Scans summary report is a detailed view of recent scanning activity for the folder or subfolder currently selected. This chart is in descending order by scanning date. From this list you can drill down to a view of scans for a particular scanning batch, a particular test, or even a single student scan sheet.
ScanView – Recent Scan List Scan Batch ID (clickable) Student ID and Name Scan Sheet ID (clickable) Scanned Answers and Scan Sheet Count Scan Status Test ID (clickable) Teacher ID and Name Test Event ID
ScanView – Viewing a Scan Batch To review a single scan batch, click on the Scan Batch ID from a Recent Scans page. A scan batch represents a single load of scan sheets that are run through your scanner. In most cases a district will scan one class at a time, but a scan batch could include multiple tests. The scan batch view shows the same information that was presented on the Recent Scans page, however this time the view is isolated to the scan batch you have selected. The scan batch view is a great way to review how the system scored the scan sheets you submitted. This view will show you if any sheet contained a multiple answer or if a student left an answer blank. An * represents when a student filled in multiple answers for a given question. A blank represents when a student did not fill in an answer for a given question.
ScanView – Viewing a Single Scan Sheet From any of the review pages, you have the ability to view any single scan sheet. This view can be reached by clicking on the scan sheet ID that begins each record. This view displays the scanned image as well as how the system scored this particular sheet. Many times, in order to diagnose why a particular question was marked as blank or multiple answers, you will need to take a look at the original scan sheet. Reviewing a student’s answer sheet will normally answer any questions you may have, including why a particular scan sheet failed to process. The blue text found on this page reviews how the scan sheet was interpreted by the Scan Engine. Here you will see what answers were recorded as well as the student and test IDs.
ScanView – Adjusting a Scan Sheet When viewing a single scan sheet, you have the ability to adjust the data in most of the fields. (District ID and Test ID are not editable.) Identifying Information Identifying information, such as Test Event ID or Teacher ID, can be updated by clicking into the appropriate text box and making the necessary change. To correct a missing or invalid Student ID, click the magnifying glass to the right of the text box. A pop-up window allows you to search for and select a student by name. Student Responses Student responses can also be adjusted. If, for instance, the scan came back with a blank, you can use this page to make the necessary corrections. Simply click in the response text field to change it. For items that contain more than one correct response, MULT will be displayed in the text box, and the responses will be displayed to the right of the box. Click on MULT to update. Answers must be separated by commas, but no spaces. Be sure to click the Save button before exiting to apply your changes.
ScanView – Viewing Failed Scans Within Scanview, you have the ability to limit your view to only the scan sheets that have failed. This is a great way to do error checking at the end of the day or week. To do this, simply select the checkbox labeled 'Show only problem sheets' found in the gray toolbar just below the header bar.
How do I view the results?
Student Item Analysis Report
District Specific Thresholds 70-100% 50-69% 0-49%
Navigating Scoreboard
Scoreboard Use the navigable list on the left side of the report to choose the assessment data you are interested in viewing. Click on the light triangle to expand a folder. (Click on the dark triangle to collapse a folder.) The available assessments are displayed. The blue numbers are the amount of results available per assessment based on the student population to which you have access. Select the plus icon next to the measures you would like to add to the report. Selections are designated with a count of the number of columns displayed for that measure.
Scoreboard Remove selections (columns) by clicking the x in the upper-right corner of the column heading. For quick selection of demographic comparisons, click on the ellipsis icon. Then click on the desired preconfigured choice. All applicable columns will be added to the report simultaneously.
Questions? For additional support, contact: Amanda Phillips