Origins, Doctrine, and Objectives of Boko Haram Logan Ford
Origins Founded in 2002 by Mohamed Yusef Boko Haram loosely translates to ‘westernization is sacrilege’ Emerged because of discontentment towards the weak Nigerian Government and extreme poverty in Northern Nigeria Originally a peacefully group but turned radical around 2009
Doctrine Deeply rooted in radical Sunni Islam Yusef was a trained Salafist Influenced by Ibn Taymiyya Did not want western ideas or worldviews taught in Nigerian schools because he saw them as a direct contrast to Islamic beliefs Opposed the the tolerance by the Nigerian government of such ideas in Nigerian schools Wanted stricter, more radical Islamic views to be taught
Objectives Original goal was to establish strict Sharia law in Northern Nigeria Want to replace Nigeria’s weak government Establish the Islamic Caliphate (pledged allegiance to ISIS in 2015) Now has territory approximately the size of Belgium Include radical teachings in schools