Fatal Sins in Islam Pointing Weapon at other Muslims, Adoption, Omens and Superstitions, Drinking and eating from Gold, Arguing with Others
Fatal Sin No. 61: Pointing a weapon at a Muslim Brother The Prophet said : He who points weapon at a Muslim Brother will be cursed by the angels even if he was his brother in kinship.
Fatal sin No. 62: Not calling the self to One's father The Prophet said: He who calls himself for someone who is not his father and he knows it, Paradise wil be forbidden for him. The Prophet also said : Do not loath your father for it is blasphmey. He said also : He who calls himself not to his father, let Allaah's curse be upon them. The man who calls for someone not his father and he knows it is not one of us and shall dwell his place in Hell. And he who calls a Muslim Blasphemer or enemy of Allaah and the latter is not so There will refer to the caller .
Fatal Sin No. 63: Omens and superstitions The Prophet said : Portent is blasphemey and it is not in the doctrine, but Allaah forgives this sin in has trust in him. The Prophet also said : No hostile actions nor portent, I like optimism. They asked : O Prophet of Allaah ! What is optimism ? He answered : Good Omen.
Fatal Sin No. 64: Drinking or eating in Gold & Silver Containers The Prophet said: Do not wear silk nor silk brocade, do not drink in gold nor in silver containers nor eat in dishes made of them for gold and silver are theirs on earth and yours in Paradise. The Prophet also said : He who eats in gold or silver made containers, Hellfire will gargle in his belly. The Prophet also said: He who drinks from silver - made container will not drink from it at the Day of Judgement.
Fatal Sin No. 65: Arguing Hypocrasy & Violent Dispute (advocates of today) Allaah says : There is the type of man whose speech about this world life may dazzle you and he calls Allaah to witness about what is in his heart, yet is he the most contentious of enemies. When he turns his back, his aim every where , is to spread mischief through the earth.... This they set forth to you, only by way of distribution ; yea they are contentious people.
Also Allah says: “Those who dispute about the signs of Allaah without any authority bestowed upon them, there is nothing in their hearts except greatness, which they shall never attain seek refuge, Then, in Allaah : it is He who hears and sees. “ A fourth verse is : “And dispute you not with the people of the book, except with better.”
The prophet said: “The most hated to Allaah are the voilent disputers.” He said also : “He who argues in a quarrel with knowledge is still under Allaah's anger till he ceases”. A Third hadeeth is : “No nation goes astray but for their violent disputes.” He also said “He who argues in a quarrel with knowledge is still under Allaah's anger till he ceases. No nation goes astray but for their violent disputes.”
Fatal Sin No. 66: Branding slaves Cutting off any part of their bodies , torturing them undeservedly Allaah says : That shaitaan says : I will mislead them and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of the cattle and to deface the nature created by Allaah. Whoever forsaking Allaah, takes Shaitan for a friend, has of security suffered a loss that is manifest. The Prophet also said : He who kills his slave shall be killed, and he who cuts off of his slave's body the same part shall be cut from his body. Ibn Umar said that the Prophet prohibited emasculating horses and other animals.