VERSION 15 DARS User’s Group / DoDAF Vendor’s Day 11 February 2009 6/1/2018 02:37 DoDAF 2.0 Meta Model (DM2) Overview DARS User’s Group / DoDAF Vendor’s Day 11 February 2009
Briefing Outline DoDAF 2 Objectives and Method DM2 as a part of DoDAF Top-Level Executive Overview Diagram DM2 Development and Life-Cycle Methodology Data Groups Overviews
DoDAF 2 Goals Support the department’s 6 core processes: Capabilities Integration and Development (JCIDS) Acquisition System (DAS) Budgeting and Planning (PPBE) Systems Engineering Operations Planning Capabilities Portfolio Management (CPM) Establish guidance for architecture content as a function of purpose – “fit for purpose” (see cover logo) Increase precision of architectures by defining architectures principally in terms of data with diagrams (presentations) related to the data – the DoDAF Meta Model (DM2)
DoDAF 2 Development Method Requirements collection workshops for the 6 core processes Three technical working groups: Data – requirements driven, leveraging IDEAS, UPDM, others Methods – descriptive, not prescriptive Presentation – guidance on presentation types Internal Development Team Core Management Group with lead representatives from each service and agency
DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Purposes: The vocabulary for description and discourse about DoDAF models (formerly “products”) and core process usage The basis for generation of the “physical” exchange specification for exchange of data between architecture tools and databases. Supports discovery and understandability of architecture datasets: Discovery thru abstraction levels and super-subtype taxonomies Understandability thru precise semantics augmented with linguistic traceability Form: VOLUME I, DoDAF Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Core concepts, definitions (with examples, sources, aliases) Relationships (with some typing) VOLUME II, DoDAF Logical Data Model (LDM) The DoDAF Logical Data Model (LDM) is the Conceptual Data Model described in Volume I with attributes, specializations, and association reifications (made explicit) added VOLUME III, DoDAF Physical Exchange Specification (PES) The Logical Data Model generated as a set of XSD’s, one schema per model (product) described in Volume II.
Volume II Organization Vol II Perspectives Metamodel Data Groups Views Metamodel Data Groups Performer Resource Flow Information & Data Activity Training / Skill / Education Capability Services Project Goals Rules Measures Location x.y.1 Data – what are the concepts and how are they related Diagram and definitions from DM2 Discussion x.y.2 Method – how is such information collected and assembled x.y.3 Usage in Core Processes – how is such information used in budgeting, acquisition, capabilities integration and development, systems engineering, capabilities portfolio management, and operations planning x.y.4 Presentation – what are the ways this information can be presented for each:
Top-Level Overviews
Single-slide overview PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT Visions Objectives Effects Goals Goals Visions Objectives Effects Rules Rules Measures Measures Capabilities Capabilities Activities Metrics Effects Conditions Activities Metrics Effects Conditions Guidance Agreements Constraints Standards IA/Security Guidance Agreements Constraints Standards IA/Security Performance Needs Satisfaction Organizational Maintainability Adaptability Performance Needs Satisfaction Organizational Maintainability Adaptability Services Services Projects Descriptions Ports & Channels Service Functions QoS Metrics Service Policies Service Contracts Activities Resources Cost / Schedule / Metrics Organizations / Performers Descriptions Ports & Channels Service Functions QoS Metrics Service Policies Service Contracts Training / Skills / Education Realization - implementation Performers Performers Flows Personnel Materiel Personnel Materiel Information & Data Materiel Performers Temporal Service System Organization Service System Organization Environmental Socio-political Military Environmental Socio-political Military Conditions Conditions Activities Activities Functions Processes Tasks Functions Processes Tasks Locations Locations Points / Areas / Volumes Regions Real Property Facilities Addresses Points / Areas / Volumes Regions Real Property Facilities Addresses Ontologic Foundation (IDEAS) Ontologic Foundation (IDEAS) Parts, types, temporal parts, states, overlaps Parts, types, temporal parts, states, overlaps PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT
Modeling Methodology
Top-Down / Bottom-Up Development DoDAF 2.0: Conceptual Data Model (Vol I) Logical Data Model (Vol II) Physical Exchange Model (Vol III) Existing / Emerging Schema, Models, and Databases Data Model Development COI1 COIn COI Coordination PPBE Process Information Requirements JCIDS Process Information Requirements Ops Planning Process Information Requirements SE Process Information Requirements DoD Core Process Information Requirements Collection UCORE DAS Process Information Requirements CPfm Process Information Requirements
Sources Models CADM 1.5 IDEAS UPDM BMM Hay/Zachman ASM CRIS Conceptual CADM in DoDAF 1.0 / prototype CADM 2.0 M3 NAF Meta Model DoI Meta Model JC3IEDM GML UCORE 1.1 GEIA 927 AP233 SUMO and ISO 15926 (via IDEAS) FEA Reference Models JFCOM JACAE Definitions IEEE ISO W3C OMG EIA DODD & DODI JCS Pubs, especially CJCSI's Models in the Source_Candidates_071115.ppt DoDAF Other frameworks: Zachman, MODAF, TOGAF, NAF, ... FEA BMM Wordnet Wikipedia English dictionaries DoDAF Glossary On the left are the model sources we considered to date; on the right, additional sources for definitions. Note that as a result of the Ops Planning workshop at JFCOM last week, we now can add JACAE as source. That metadata is being parsed into the spreadsheet this week. Note also, that we considered sereral non-AF sources, e.g., JCS Pub 1-02, the DoD Dictionary of Military Terms, and English dictionaries.
Team and Weekly Sessions Collaboration Site: pre- & post- meeting updates UML file Excel file (defs and AI’s) HTML version of UML file Reference and Research folders updated as material is submitted
Modeling Principles Model Core Process (PPBE, DAS, JCIDS, CPM, SE, Ops) business objects Terms enter model through thorough semantic research: Assignment to a researcher Collection of authoritative definitions, documenting source Assessment of redundant (alias) or composite terms Formulation / selection of definition based on authoritative definitions Examples Outbrief to team Recording of research and decision rationale No need to distinguish / label concepts that differ only in level of aggregation – e.g., subfunction – function. Whole-part relationship covers the need without different names for different types of wholes and parts. When a user has need to label, the naming pattern accommodates. Typed Relationships, e.g., using IDEAS No commitment to an implementation type. Support RDBMS, XSD, Java, etc. from core model Goal is a core that can be extended by user communities, not to try to cover all user detail. Extenders should be careful to not create redundant representations. Model will enter a CM process
Definitions and Aliases Record Excerpt PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT Definitions and Aliases Record Excerpt PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT
Definitions and Aliases Record Excerpt PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT Definitions and Aliases Record Excerpt PRE-DECISIONAL WORKING DRAFT
Coordination with many related activities Examples: OMG UPDM & SYSML teams DM2 Coordination with teams in mutual telecons, OMG meetings, … BTA Primitives and Lexicon Core Enterprise Services – to – Tactical Edge (CES2TE) ASN RDA and JFCOM Modeling and Simulation JTEM DoD MDWG SPAWAR / ASN RDA Naval Architecture Elements Requirements Group (NAERG) JFCOM JACAE MODAF and NAF (via IDEAS) DoDAF Plenary, Vendor’s Days, and weekly data model telecons UPDM “architect” access to DM2 workgroup site with weekly updates Comment acceptance into working group system UPDM Team Coordination with DoDAF UPDM weekly telecons, OMG technical meetings, and UPDM “face-to-face” meetings Regular distribution of UPDM “Domain Meta Model” Their DoDAF baseline is 1.5 but they want the “heads-up” on 2.0 to better support the UPDM mod for DoDAF 2 when it is finalized
Model Overview
Leveraged IDEAS for Formal Foundation IDEAS is more than OWL: Based on mathematics set & 4D meronymy theory Deals with issues of states, powertypes, measures, space -- what is truly knowable vs. what is assumed Domain concepts are extensions to the formal foundation Rigorously worked-out common patterns are reused Saved a lot of repetitive work – “ontologic free lunch” Result is higher quality and consistency throughout
BORO book is downloadable from DM2 site
Why Formal Ontology? Corresponds to the real world being modeled: Physical objects that have parts, can be aggregated into larger wholes – both spatially and temporally The parts don’t have to be contiguous, e.g., parts of a squadron The objects have a lifetime (temporal extent) that can be broken into temporal states Only one object can occupy the same spatio-temporal extent Examples: Things are categorized Multiply Categorization should follow the rules to set theory, e.g.,
Why Formal Ontology (cont’d) Why is this better? “is-a” example: Not mathematically rigorous: More precise: “Has” – the basis of fields and attributes is flawed too Does this really matter – all the time – fouls queries, analysis algorithms, and interoperability Why did this happen? Database design had in origins in form automation, not mathematical analysis – good for storing stuff to be processed by humans – terrible for automated processing as in data fusion
Diagram Conventions and Use of UML The IDEAS Model has been developed using a UML Profile. The IDEAS Foundation specifies the fundamental types that define the profile stereotypes. The following stereotyped classes, with their colour-coding are used in the model: <<Individual>> An instance of an Individual - something with spatio-temporal extent [Black] <<Type>> The specification of a Type [Cyan] <<IndividualType>> The specification of a Type whose members are Individuals [Orange] <<TupleType>> The specification of a Type whose members are tuples [Green] <<Name>> The specification of a name, with the examplar text provided as a tagged value [Light Yellow] <<NameType>> The specification of a Type whose members are names [Dark Yellow] The following stereotyped relationships are used in the model: <<typeInstance>> a relationship between a type and one of its instances (UML:Dependency) [Red] <<powertypeInstance>> a relationship between a type and its powerset (UML:Dependency) [Dark Red] <<nameTypeInstance>> a relationship between a name and its NameType (UML:Dependency) [Red] <<superSubtype>> a relationship between a type and one of its subtypes (UML:Generalisation) [Blue] <<wholePart>> a relationship between an individual and one of its parts (UML:Aggregation) [Dark Green] <<tuple>>/<<couple> a relationship between a things (UML:n-ary relationship diamond) [White]
Super/Sub Type, e.g., F-15 is type of Fighter Whole Part, e.g., AEGIS radar is part-of the AEGIS ship Overlaps, particularly Interface Type, e.g., Asset data collection activities produce data for audit reporting Before-After, e.g., The collection task takes place before the posting and exploitation tasks
DoDAF Domain Concepts are Specializations Next slide is a zoom-in
Sample zoom-in
There are some common attributes too Everything has a classification marking – a “portion mark” Everything has a pedigree – who, how,… it came into being Names (formal, nick, acronym, ID / UID / GUID, etc.) done via naming pattern (an association). Very flexible allowing multiple names, typed by NameType. Descriptions too. Time periods via Measure model.
Naming and Description Pattern For example, NameType = Mil-Std 6016, Mil-Std 2525, Nickname, GUID, … For example, InformationType = “to-be architecture description”, “as-is architecture description”
Capability Oriented towards Desired Effects (measurable) Manifested by Performers (including Performer configurations – remember whole-part) Activities, Rules, Conditions, …
Performer System – defined generally (i.e., not just a DoD Program of Record) Can include humans Animals too At a location Tied to Measures
Resource Flow Not just information and data (e.g., IER and SV-6) Materiel, Personnel Type (training, the “T” and “L &e” in DOTMLPF), other Performers (e.g., in the Project views) The Activity does the production and consumption, not the Performer, even if you choose not to show the Activities on a diagram Measures and Rules apply throughout
Measure All kinds of measures and metrics The measure values are related to measure types, e.g., BAUD, max speed, probability of kill, accuracy, … Those measure types have rules associated with them, e..g, the rule that Target Location Error is a 90% probability area
Location Not trying to re-create GML Addresses are ways to get to physical locations, e.g., a URL gets you to a server, a postal address gets you to a mailbox There NameTypes for Address names, e.g., “postal”, “URL”, “TADIL link address”, etc.
Activity Model in this Conceptualization Measures and metrics Performer A Performer B Activity 1A Activity 1B Resources a, b, c Resources x, y, z Activity 11A Activity 11B Performers to which applicable Conditions in which applicable Rules, constraints, standards, …
IER “Matrix” in this Conceptualization
Information and Data Information describes something; things can have multiple descriptions, e.g., by different sources, by different times, by different levels of detail No intent to replicate a full metamodel – that would be in the DoD Metadata Registry This is for support of the 6 core processes
Services Not just software, also business OASIS definition adopted by DoD Services are self describing Service users interact with the accessed Performers via the Service Port Rules (service policies, contracts) Measures (QoS)
Project Presentation TWG recommended – based on NAF Can be any kind of project, not just acquisition Can be used as architecture metadata to describe the architecture project, i.e., structured AV-1
Information Pedigree Requirement in the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy (NCDS) Similar to Open Provenance Model Describes the workflow that led to the production of the information Pedigree is the immediate link – provenance further back in the production chain Activities, Performers, Performer states, resources used, rules abided by, measures conformed to
Physical Exchange Specification XSD’s One per DoDAF model (51) with necessary and optional parts 1 comprehensive with all optional for “fit for purpose” models 2 reference – Foundation and Security Basic structure: ArchitectureDescriptions Manifest Models
DM2 Provides a Neutral Exchange Specification for Many Kinds of Architecture Data XMI / MOF Conversant (e.g., UPDM / SysML) Analysis Software DM2 PES XSD neutral implementation EA / ITA Tools Authoritative Data Sources EA Domain Concepts Common Patterns 4D Mereology Set Theory Naming Pedigree M&S Tools EA DBMS’ Ontic Foundation Reporting Tools and Formats Federal, Coalition, and other EA exchanges
Training / Skill / Education
Security This is the Intel Community Information Security Markings (IC-ISM, pronounced icky-sim.) We lifted from UCORE 1.1.
XSD’s are generated from UML model