Figurative Language
Figurative language: Assonance- repetition of vowel sounds All who could should gather wood. At night I like to smoke a pipe. Alliteration- the same sound starts a series of words The cold, clammy hands grasped my neck. The bloody watchman told a tale of trouble and torture. Hyperbole- a great exaggeration I have a million things to do today. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. Oxymoron- a combination of contradictory words jumbo shrimp pretty ugly
Allusion- a reference to a famous person or event in life or literature Was the ticking package, wrapped with ribbon and bright paper, a Trojan gift? Casual and confident, the West High team started the game that was to prove their Waterloo. Analogy- a longer, more detailed comparison of two ideas or situations. Some people live their lives like a sheet of scrapped paper blown along a windy street; they are carried this way and that with no apparent effort or ability to control their direction. Onomatopoeia- the sound of the words imitates the original sound The burning wood crackled and hissed. The bee buzzed by much too near my head. Irony- saying one thing but meaning the opposite Watching it rain, he said, “Lovely day for a picnic.” The smashed hulk of metal, twisted and shaped into an awkward unlikely angles, lay on its side; one rear wheel spun slowly Ruefully, the man said to his wife, “I’ll bet I finally got rid of that squeak in the dashboard.”
Simile- a comparison in which one thing is said to be like or as another. My love is like a red, red rose. The soldiers swept forward like a swarm of locusts. Metaphor- a comparison in which one thing is said to be another without the use of like or as. His fear was a prison, stronger than any more visible barricade. The cat’s eyes were jewels, gleaming out of the darkness. Personification- giving human attributes to things, inanimate objects. Time stood still. The house on the hill waited patiently for the master to return. Understatement- stating an idea in words less strong than expected. a. Now, your date is not really a raving beauty.
THE END!!! :o)