GSE 550 Educational Technology Wendy Davies Incorporating Traditional Tools with New Technology: The Reaction of Computer Generated Organizers for students with Special Needs GSE 550 Educational Technology Wendy Davies
Times have changed…have you?
Introduction Technology is changing the way in which we educate our students Teachers need to change the way they instruct with these advancements Technology is an asset for the future
Special Needs Students Different learning profiles More computer savvy than led on How do we as teachers create the best learning environment?
Educational Significance Technology is here to stay! Mixing old with the new No need to reinvent the wheel but to renovate!
Personal Interest Resource teacher Concept mapping with my students Interest in Ausubel`s theory meaningful learning
Research Questions What are the benefits to using technology in the classroom with SN students? What are the students reactions in using technology? What are the reactions of using Computer Generated Organizers as opposed to hand-written graphic organizers for students with SN?
Technological Tools Cmap Computer-generated Atlas Others include Frayer model, cycle diagrams, etc. All can be created for free online
History of Visual Organizers Ausubels theory of learning (1960`s) Novak`s introduction of concept maps A versatile tool for many reasons
A Classroom Tool Facilitates the learning process, it is “the use of lines, arrows, and a spatial arrangement that describe text content, structure, and key conceptual relationships” (Darch & Eaves, 1986) Holistic perspective of the unit
Computer Generated Organizers (CGO) "The repetition of using the graphic organizer and software helps to get the information processed into my head" (Boon, Fore & Rasheed, 2007). Using CGO, students essays were well planned out and more organized. CGO improved both the quantity and quality of the work being produced by students with SN.
Computer Generated Organizers (CGO) After using CGO`s, 89% said they felt it was an effective tool for them. Students used CGO`s but also incorporated pictures off the internet to go with each step instruction for their recipe
Conclusion Students were positive about the idea of using technology CGO`s increased motivation and self-efficacy In the case of CGO`s, felt more confident in their own work Students felt CGO`s were an effective tool for them after using them
Limitations Small sample sizes Technology is new and innovative. This could have sparked students interests for better results Other unknown factors could have played a part
Future Research The topic of CGO`s has not been studied extensively, yet it is a tool that is available to our students for free. More research needs to look at how to incorporate them into the leanring environment.
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