Computing and Data Analysis Unit 6
Today’s Lesson Objectives: Basic Analytics (20 min) Computing with Text Activity Part 1 (30 min) Focusing on words (20 mint)
Text Analysis- Part 1 Basic Analytics Text can be analyzed many different ways. Research areas like “stylometrics” attempt to say something quantitative about an author’s work: e.g., by computing the average number of words per sentence or the average number of letters per word written by an author. Analytics can also be used to find patterns in other types of text. See Computing with Text Background
Basic Analytics In the first part, the basics of counting words in a file and creating bar charts based on those counts will be addressed by working with the subset of the twitter data file. Load CATwitter data file look at the tweets Change the size of the column in order to view the entire tweet Scroll and look at the variety of tweets
Text Mining Tweets are stored in an array (or vector) where the numbers in front indicate the place between is in the vector. Arrays are in important concept in computer science. Storing items in an array allows us to access particular elements, search and sort. Create a frequency table that separates out each word and counts how many time it appears in all the tweets. What is the word that appears least frequently? What is the word that appears most frequently?
Produce frequency tables that show only the most frequently appearing words and the different sorting options Demo how to produce bar chart of frequent occurring words Complete Part 1 of Computing with Text Activity