Core Content VISUAL ART OVERVIEW © 2006 EvaMedia, Inc.
Narrative art: Art that tells a story. The artwork ‘narrates’ a story or part of a story to the viewer.
Expressive art: Expresses an idea, or shares a mood/emotion.
Persuasive art: Persuasive art tries to change the viewers opinions, or actions about certain topics or products. Examples are posters, advertisements, and campaign designs.
Persuasive Art
Functional art: Useful, ‘everyday’ objects such as dishes, furniture, and clothes Often highly decorated and showing expert craftsmanship
Ceremonial art: Art used in Ceremonies or rituals, such as specific clothing, utensils, or any other artwork made specifically for a ceremony.
Materials that an artwork is made up of. What are MEDIA? Materials that an artwork is made up of.
A few examples of media … Graphite Charcoal Crayon Pastel Fabric Clay Wood Paint Stone Metal Plaster Ink Glass Paper Film Papier-mâché Computer graphics Found Objects
Artists work in many ways …
HOW an artist uses specific media is called…PROCESSES Paintings Drawings Collage Sculpture: Ceramics, woodcarving, metalsmithing, assemblage, modeling Fiber Art: Weave, Knit, Crochet, Quilt Printmaking Photography Architecture AND MUCH MORE!
2-D (flat surface; has only height & width) Art works have FORMS: 2-D (flat surface; has only height & width) 3-D (full surface; has height, width & depth)
Art Has Subjects and Themes Subject- what you see in the artwork, or the artwork’s main focus Theme- what the artwork is about
Art styles vary in their unique characteristics …
Art Has Styles Style- How the artist treats the subject matter. Realism (the subject looks like it does in real life) Abstract (the subject is recognizable, but is DISTORTED) Non-Objective (there is no recognizable subject, instead focus is on elements and principles of art)
Realism: Painting attempts a naturalistic or photographic likeness of the subject Subject is usually commonplace
Art in which a recognizable image has been altered by distortion. Abstract: Art in which a recognizable image has been altered by distortion.
Contains no recognizable forms Non-Objective: Contains no recognizable forms Has NO true OBJECTS
ELEMENTS OF ART Line Shape Color Space Value Form Texture
Principles of Design Variety Emphasis Rhythm Balance Movement Contrast Unity Pattern Proportion
Art is not a thing; it is a way. --Elbert Hubbard