Understanding your value in the PPM market John Thorpe, Arras People 10/10/2017 2:00 pm
Understanding Your Value In The PPM Market John Thorpe, Arras People The Market Differentiating Yourself What Are You Worth
Project Management Recruitment and Career Specialists Arras People: Project Management Recruitment and Career Specialists Established 2002 Arras People are the UK’s Specialists in Project & Programme Management Recruitment. We are 100% focused on the recruitment of Programme and Project Management (PPM) practitioners across the UK and across all industry sectors. Find out more at: www.arraspeople.co.uk
Arras People Project Management Benchmark Report The 2017 Report is the 12th annual report on the Project Management domain, taking in the views and experience of Practitioners and those who support / employ them.
Living In a Challenging and Changing World? Do more with less Low Interest rates Sterling devalued Inflation Globalization Gender Equality Digital disruption UK unemployment at the lowest level in over 40 years Zero hours contracts IR 35 Low churn in the jobs market Cyber Attacks Job insecurity Austerity Political uncertainty Equal Pay Brexit Gig Economy Faster, Cheaper, Better Information overload
The New Economics? "It is pretty remarkable that, with inflation near 3% and unemployment at the lowest level in over 40 years, we are not seeing much wage inflation."
Do you trust the source? Fact or Fiction? London has the biggest project management skills surplus in the UK with just over twice as many skilled professionals available to work than projects. East of England is facing the biggest project management skills deficit in the UK – with five times as many roles available in the region than skilled labour. Do you trust the source? Aerospace and defence are the biggest sector for project management Demand for contractors falls by 12% Lack of project managers hits infrastructure plans… Public sector projects facing project management talent deficit APMP is the most popular project management accreditation Staffing firms report finding it more and more difficult to find good candidates
Government Intervention!
Tough Times For Many PPM Practitioners 69% of Contractors No-change or Fall 75% anticipate less than Current inflation rate
PPM People Still Relatively Well Remunerated 1% 3% Average Weekly UK Earnings - regular pay, September 2017 - £474 (£24,648 per Annum)
So What Can I Do To Maximize My Opportunity?
Get To Know Yourself In The Context Of Your Market Domain Applies equally if you are looking for your next opportunity internally or externally Organisation YOU
Strengths/Weaknesses Likes/Dislikes Skills and Capabilities Experience Who Are You? YOU Beliefs Strengths/Weaknesses Likes/Dislikes Skills and Capabilities Experience Behaviours Career Aspirations The best sales people always understands their product!
One persons PM is anothers Progress Chaser! You And Your Organisation In Your Domain? Organisation Domain Institutionalised? Transferable Skills and Experience? Benchmarked? One persons PM is anothers Progress Chaser!
Where do your skills fit? Where are your experiences applicable? You in the Market? Market Where do your skills fit? Where are your experiences applicable? What is transferable? Is my profile in demand? Am I relevant in the wider market?
So What Am I Worth?
PPM Contractors All Max Min Private Public Female Male Change Manger All Max Min Private Public Female Male Change Manger £ 517 £ 750 £ 390 £ 533 £ 492 £ 523 £ 511 PPM Consultant £ 525 £ 1,500 £ 150 £ 523 £ 532 £ 518 £ 527 Portfolio Manager £ 609 £ 1,100 £ 300 £ 604 £ 625 £ 375 £ 638 Programme Manager £ 587 £ 1,000 £ 250 £ 611 £ 566 £ 549 £ 595 Project Manager £ 425 £ 700 £ 130 £ 446 £ 392 £ 417 £ 427 PPM Office Manager £ 530 £ 800 £ 350 £ 542 £ 500 £ 561 £ 514 PPM Support £ 262 £ 400 £ 256 £ 271 £ 304 £ 213
PPM Employees All Max Min Private Public Female Male Change Manger All Max Min Private Public Female Male Change Manger £ 56,957 £ 130,000 £ 32,500 £ 65,357 £ 49,717 £ 44,229 £ 69,686 PPM Consultant £ 56,082 £ 85,000 £ 33,000 £ 62,405 £ 46,044 £ 47,683 £ 58,181 Portfolio Manager £ 76,903 £ 350,000 £ 32,000 £ 89,390 £ 58,476 £ 56,091 £ 84,287 Programme Manager £ 65,943 £ 123,000 £ 26,000 £ 69,682 £ 58,367 £ 65,277 £ 66,059 Project Manager £ 45,968 £ 95,000 £ 23,000 £ 47,585 £ 40,889 £ 43,985 £ 47,072 PPM Office Manager £ 55,371 £ 115,000 £ 27,500 £ 59,499 £ 42,609 £ 47,566 £ 64,377 PPM Support £ 30,797 £ 42,500 £ 16,500 £ 30,609 £ 30,670 £ 31,296 £ 29,489
Linked-In Salary
It is Not One Dimensional: It will always be a combination of: Skill level Experience level Sector/Domain Location Uniqueness Unfortunately it may even be: Your Age Your Gender
Closing Thought The Market is a mythical thing, as practitioners we need to identify and understand Our Market!! Any Questions?
Project Management Recruitment and Career Specialists Thank you Arras People: Project Management Recruitment and Career Specialists Find out more at: www.arraspeople.co.uk