The Green Environmental Project Municipality of Swakopmund Health Services Department P Engelbrecht and M Kamati: Project committee members
INTRODUCTION The Green Environmental Project is an activity under the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) network and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aimed at promoting environmental education for sustainable development. The Project has two components being environmental education and eco-tourism.
INTRODUCTION The Project has two components being Environmental education and Eco-tourism.
PROJECT LAYOUT Regional Centre of Expertise The Green Environmental Project Environmental education Eco-mate certification
OVERALL OBJECTIVES To mobilize environmental education that will result in environmentally sustainable practices in Swakopmund To promote Swakopmund as a sustainable city Encourage environmentally friendly behaviour within organizations, schools and the local community at large
OVERALL OBJECTIVES To use the project logo for branding as a participant in the Swakopmund green project. “ ECO-MATE”. Network on environmentally sustainable activities in town.
OVERALL OBJECTIVES To use the project logo for branding as a participant in the Swakopmund green project. “ ECO-MATE”. Network on environmentally sustainable activities in town.
ECO-MATE CERTIFICATION Is a certification process to encourage local establishments to become sustainable through the adaptation of ecological practices. This will encourage businesses to become eco certified by contributing to the conservation of the environment and to improve the livelihood of the local community. Local establishments will be able to reduce their impact on the environment, contribute to social upliftment and improve their corporate image.
Criteria to be used The Eco-mate criteria is derived from the National criteria for the Eco-Award Namibia Project. CRITERIA SUBSECTION SCORES Management 20 Conservation Energy 10 Water Waste and Pollution Staff development Social responsibility
Criteria to be used Conservation CRITERIA SUBSECTION EVALUATION QUESTIONS OUR OBJECTIVES Conservation Do you actively participate in conservation activities? Do you make any contributions to conservation projects? To see if the establishments contribute to environmental conservation. Waste and Pollution Do you separate your recycling waste from non-recycling waste? Do you ensure that your premises do not create light pollution, noise pollution or air pollution To see if establishments have measures in place to reduce pollution, energy wastage and if they have effective waste manage measures
Criteria to be used CRITERIA SUBSECTION EVALUATION QUESTIONS OUR OBJECTIVES Social Responsibility Do you support local community projects? Do your organization actively take part in environmental activities with the local community? To evaluate if organizations address their social responsibility towards the local community Establishments can qualify for an eco-mate certificate if they score at least 55% and above
Who is involved in the Project Steering committee Swakopmund Municipality, NACOMA, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Fisheries and Rössing Foundation Target groups Local Businesses Primary and Secondary schools Community Groups and General Public