Lesson 1.1.2 Concept: Perimeter and Area Relationships Many ancient cities were constructed inside great walls to protect and defend the city. The city of Carcassonne, France, still exists and has a double wall around it. The length of the inner wall around the city (the perimeter) measures about 1245 meters. The land inside the inner wall (the area) is approximately 105,400 square meters. In this lesson, you will work with tiles to practice measuring perimeter and area.
Lesson 1.1.2 Concept: Perimeter and Area Relationships Vocabulary: Area – The number of square units needed to fill up a region on a flat surface. Area = 15 square units 3 5
Perimeter – The distance around a figure on a flat surface. 4 3 3 4 Perimeter = 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 = 14 units
Rectangle – A four-side closed figure (polygon, quadrilateral) with 4 right angles. Length x Width = Area. 10 x 5 = 50 square units Width = 5 units Length = 10 units
As a group, complete Concept problem #1-5 a, b, and c. Record answers for item #a and item #b in your concept notebook. Your team will work together to build the shapes with tiles in the center of your workspace for item #c. Call Mrs. Rigsbee over for tiles and materials Justifying your solution can be done through words, numbers, or pictures, and written justifications should be neat and organized so that another person can understand the work your group did. Your group has 8 minutes to complete Concept Problem #1-5 and record solutions neatly in your individual Concept Notebook… Go!
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Working with other students allows you to: Develop new ways of thinking about mathematics, Learn to communicate about math, and Understand ideas better by having to explain your thinking to others. The following expectations will help you get the most out of working together. T-Together, work to answer questions. E-Explain and give reasons. A-Ask questions and share ideas. M-Members of your team are your first S- Smarter together than apart.
Team Challenge: Concept Problem #1-7 Today you and your team members will work together to participate in the “Toothpicks and Tiles” challenge. You each will have one card that shows a tile shape and there will be a fifth card to share as a team. Place any extra shape cards and all of the fact cards face up in the middle of the table so that everyone can see them. Work together to match each tile shape with one fact statement so that each fact has only one shape and each shape has only one fact. If you want to change the shape that matches a fact card, you must convince your team mates by explaining why you think the change should be made. Once everyone in your team is convinced that each fact is paired with one shape, call your teacher over. Be prepared to justify your choices!
As a group, complete Concept problem #1-8 a, & b, and #1-9 a & b. Justifying your solution can be done through words, numbers, or pictures, and written justifications should be neat and organized so that another person can understand the work your group did. Your group has 8 minutes to complete Concept Problem #1-8 and #1-9. Record solutions neatly in your individual Concept Notebook… Go!
Tonights homework is… Review & Preview, page 10-11, problems #1-10 to #1-14. Label your assignment with your name and Lesson number in the upper right hand corner of a piece of notebook paper. (Lesson 1.1.2) Show all work and justify your answers for full credit.
Daily Closure: Return Group folder to the math box. Return your individual Concept Notebook to the math section of your binder. Return the group supply box to the cart after making sure all supplies have been stored in the box and the lid is secured. Record Review/Preview in student planner.