2.3 Leadership and management 4 hrs. Unit 2: Human Resource Management
2.3 Leadership and management- 4 hrs Culture/ Ethics/ Innovation/ Strategy 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr 2. Distinguish management versus leadership AO2 1 hr 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3 1 hr autocratic paternalistic democratic laissez-faire situational 4. Examine how ethical considerations and cultural differences may influence leadership and management styles in an organization AO3 1 hr
2. 3 Leadership and management 1 2.3 Leadership and management 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr Mangement: is made up of the people in organizations charged with making sure tasks are accomplished (supervisory roles). Top management (CEO & Directors in charge of each major business Function) & other levels all the way down to floor supervisors Manager: Responsible for setting objectives, organizing resources and motivating staff so that the organization´s aims are met. Responsible for planning and overseeing the work of a group, monitoring the groups progress and ensuring that the plan is put into effect.
2. 3 Leadership and management 1 2.3 Leadership and management 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr Key Roles of management According to Henri Fayol (1968-1933): Setting Objectives & Planning: Setting course of action to achieve organizational objectives (Short & long term plans to achieve strategic, tactical and operational objectives). Organizing Resources to meet the Objectives: Ensure organization has sufficient resources to achieve organizational objectives. Commanding (Directing & Motivating Staff): Ensure individuals know what duties they are to preform, and how (giving instructions and orders, enforcing discipline). Developing staff so they are motivated to employ all their abilities at work. Coordinating Activities: Ensuring all departments strive to reach organizational objectives, by preforming activities when and where they are supposed to happen. The goals of each branch, division, region & staff must be welded together to achieve a common sense of purpose. Controlling & Measuring Performance against targets: They have the power over situations to achieve objectives (eg quality objectives, reduce or expand, responsible for performance & health and safety. Recommended hierarchical and formal structures.
2. 3 Leadership and management 1 2.3 Leadership and management 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr b. Key Roles of management according to Charles Handy (born in 1932): General Practitioners: ensure wellbeing of firm (staff turnover, productivity, customer satisfaction). Confronters of dilemmas: delegate work – retaining responsibility, management of stakeholders, organizational conflict Balancers of cultural mixes: to get the best out of each individual, Recommended flatter organizations to improve communications and enhance decision making. Helicopter factor: rise above situations to see the big picture (not micromanagement)
2. 3 Leadership and management 1 2.3 Leadership and management 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr c. Key Functions of management according to Peter Drucker (1909 – 2005): Setting organizational objectives Organizing tasks and people (systems- appropriate organizational structures) Communicating with and motivating people. Measuring performance. Developing people: bringing out the best – giving opportunities Recommended decentralization.
2. 3 Leadership and management 1 2.3 Leadership and management 1. Comment the key functions of management AO2 1 hr c. Key Roles of management according to Henry Mintzberg (The nature of managerial work 1973) 1. Interpersonal Roles: Dealing with and motivating staff at all levels of the organization. A. Figurehead: symbolic leader. B. Leader: Motivating subordinates, selecting and training. C. Liaison: linking with managers and leaders of other divisions and organizations. 2. Information Roles: acting as a source, receiver and transmitter of information. A. Monitor (Reciever): Collecting data relevant to the business´s operation. B. Disseminator: sending information to the relevant people within the organization. C. Spokesperson: communication information to external groups. 3. Decisional Roles: Taking decisions and allocating resources to meet the organization´s objectives. A. Entrepreneur: Looking for new opportunities to develop the business. B. Disturbance Handler: Responding to changing situations that may put the business at risk. Taking responsibility when threatening factors develop. C. Resource allocator: deciding on the allocation of financial, human and other resources. D. Negotiator: Representing the organization in all important negotiations.
3.3 Leadership and management- Culture/ Ethics/ Innovation/ Strategy 2. Distinguish management versus leadership AO2 1hr Both management and leadership are essential for a business to be successful. They provide different traits and strengths which are complementary. It is possible for a manager to be a leader and vice-versa, but no necessarily desirable. Leadership: The art of motivating a group of people towards achieving a common objective. Manager: Responsible for setting objectives, organizing resources and motivating staff so that the organization´s aims are met. Konuseke Matsushita: Management is a set of processes that keep an organization functioning today (planning, budgeting, staffing, clarifying jobs, measuring performance and problem solving). Leadership is about aligning people to the vision of the business which means communication, motivation and inspiration.
3.3 Leadership and management- 2. Distinguish management versus leadership AO2 1hr -See table 2.3 a P Hoang & See page 128 (Oxford) Leadership Management Process of influencing and inspiring others to achieve Org. Objectives. Have a longer term perspective. Deal with strategic decisions. Know that the best thing to actually do is. The art of getting things done through people (Mary Parker Follet) Problem solving, decision-making: planning, organizing and coordinating human and capital resources to achieve Org. objectives. Deal with tactical decisions. Time & Devotion: 24 hrs. 9 to 5 Roles and Responsibilities: broader range/ask what and why. Innovative thinkers who inspire. Deal with routing/ask how and when. Know how best to administer day to day operations. Influence on others: Inspire and motivate through action. Focus on people – are socially engaged. Inspire & entrust creative and talented people to help develop the organization. Empower others Direct and control: Have a position of authority. Focus on accomplishing tasks. Delegate tasks to subordinates Risk Taking: Take risk challenging the status quo to move the org. forward. Does the right thing (sets goals) /Innovators Follow predetermined rules and policies. Do things right (achieve goals) Implementers Vision: Leaders create a culture of hope. Shine in times of change Abide by the procedures and culture of the organization. Do well in stable business environments. Stem from personal qualities or traits Official position of responsibility in the organisation.
What makes a Good Leader? Are they born? Or can they be trained? Personal characteristics: A desire to succeed and natural self-confidence Ability to think beyond the obvious- to be creative and to encourage others to do the same. Multitalented enabling them to understand a wide range of issues affecting the business. Incisive mind that is able to identify the heart of an issue rather than unnecessary details.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr Leadership or Management Style: The ways in which decision makers behave or reveal their behaviour. Autocratic Leadership: Makes all the decisions and prefers not to delegate responsibility. Tells subordinates what to do. A Style of leadership that keeps all decision-making at the centre of the organization. Refers to leaders who adopt an authoritarian approach by making all the decisions rather than delegating any authority to their subordinates. Instead, the autocrat simply tells others what to do. Appropriate: In situations that require quick decision-making (ej. Deadlines) or when critical decisions have to be made (crisis-accidents). When workers are unskilled or not trusted, and their ideas are not valued. Armed forces and police. .
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 1.Autocratic Leadership or Management Style: Advantage: Lines of authority are clear and decisions can be made quickly Drawbacks: Gives limited information to staff, supervises workers closely, only one-way communication, Opinions or suggestions of workers are ignored – may create resentment (alienate and demotivate workforce) – which can cause high levels of absenteeism and labour turnover). Workers do not develop ability to manage on their own and make decisions (lack of initiative) Not suitable when employees are highly skilled & have experienced democratic systems (and like to do things their own way) Issue instructions and don’t expect feedback (one way communication): Does not benefit from employee input. supervision becomes essential. .
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 2. Paternalistic Leaders: Treat employees as if they were family members by guiding them through a consultation process and acting in the perceived best interest of their subordinates. The leader makes decisions on behalf of the team, building trust and loyalty in the process. A type of fatherly style typically used by dominant males where their power is used to control and protect subordinate employees who are expected to be loyal and obedient. Feedback is invited, improving morale, but the final decisions are still taken by senior management Negative paternalistic style: leader perceives workers as less than capable, so leads by guidance and control Positive paternalistic style: leader perceives workers as highly capable, so nurtures and develops. Appropriate: In cultures such as Japan and India. Inappropriate: In other cultures in which workers don’t want their perceived interests to be dictated by others. In organizations that are flatter, informal where creative thinking is required.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 2. Paternalistic: Positive aspect: Loyalty and motivation might be higher than in autocratic leadership. Employees take great pride in the organization and do what is necessary to make it successful. Take ownership of the business. Negative aspect: Leaders may place too much importance on loyalty, not be fully objective when evaluating performance, may play favourites. Employees may take advantage of the leader and his loyalty. There is no true participation in management decisions and this could lead to frustration, if their feedback is ignored when important decisions are made. Increased dependency of employees on the leader, leading to more supervision required. Possible applications: family owned business, business with a formal and hierarchical structure where creative thinking is not required of employees.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 3. Democratic Leadership: A leadership style that promotes the active participation of workers in taking decisions. Involves employees in the decision-making process. Informs and consult staff and consider their views before making final decisions. Refers to leaders who take into account the views of others when making decisions. This participative leadership style means the decision-making is decentralized. Two-way communication is used, which allows feedback from staff. Workers are given information about the business to allow involvement. Advantages: Brings better moral and job satisfaction (motivation)/ can lead to improved decisions (in situations that require new way of thinking or new solution/ Staff feel more committed to ensuring that decisions that they have influenced are put into effect successfully. if leader cannot always be present. Limitation: delays decision-making, not suitable when dealing with a large workforce or when there is a high dependence on clear leadership – dealing with a crisis (trade union strike or public relations crisis). Some issues might be too sensitive: eg. Job losses, or too secret eg development of new products. Requires “chemistry” in the team.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 4. Laissez-faire Leadership (let them do it) : A leadership Style that leaves much of the business decision-making to the workforce. A Hands off approach and the reverse of the autocratic style. Is based on having minimal direct input in the work of employees. Instead allows subordinates to make their own decisions and to complete tasks in their own way. Leader sets objectives but it is up to employees how best to achieve them. Very broad criteria or limits might be established. Advantages: High level of motivation (staff feels trusted and highly valued), workers feel they have control over their work and contribute. Appropriate when employees are motivated, skilled and educated. (eg: universities). Suitable in business situations where innovation & creativity is important (research & design). When managers are too busy (or too lazy) to intervene. Limitation: Coordination and decision-making can be time consuming since there is lack of direct supervision. Unsuitable for business situations that require quick decision-making. Relies heavily on teamwork and goodwill of employees. Requires confident and disciplined employees: Might encourage slack (poor decisions and poor motivation). From the employees point of view: Does not provide guidance and feedback (lack of structure and direction can lead to lack of security and demotivation) . Results can be disastrous.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 3.3 Leadership and management- 3. Discuss the following leadership styles: AO3.1 hr 5. Situational Leadership: Effective leadership varies with the task in hand and the situational leaders adapt their leadership style to each situation (nature of task and workers skills and willingness to accept responsibility). Refers to the belief that there is no single leadership style that suits all situations. The “best” style depends on situational factors, such as attitudes, behavior and competencies of managers and workers. Is not based on a single approach, it is about using the right leadership style for the right situation. Factors that can affect situational leadership styles: CLOTS Culture: Management culture and business background: creative, standardized, repressive, democratic or compliant. Leader – Personality of Manager: Confidence & Strength of Character, values, experience and expectations Organizational structure Task: the decision – urgent (the amount of time available) important or consequential- ie emergency Subordinates: Skills and experiences of the employees being lead. Natures of the employees (age, education, expectations, & motivation)) Disadvantages: leader may come across as unpredictable or arbitrary – may demotivate employees.
3.3 Leadership and management- Culture/ Ethics/ Innovation/ Strategy Warren Bennis: Leaders find their own style that suits them best (Natural or preferred style) Effective managers and leaders use different styles to adapt to situations, taking into consideration the following factors: The management culture: Traits, personality and experience of manager Level of skills, experience, motivation and confidence of employees. Time frame (time available for consultation and participation) The task The degree of importance of the decision.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 3 hrs 4 3.3 Leadership and management- 3 hrs 4. Examine how ethical considerations and cultural differences may influence leadership and management styles in an organization AO3 1 hr Ethical Leadership: Leading by knowing and doing what is right. Ethical considerations may influence leaders and managers in different ways. Leaders focus on: a-. doing the right thing (act and make decisions ethically), specially in relation to people (customers, suppliers and employees in statement and actions). b. Leading ethically: building relationships and inspiring employees (they must actually demonstrate that care when circumstances arise –assume risks for bad outcome- willingness to encourage and consider feedback serioursly)- encouragement of leadership in others. Making the discussion of ethics and issues part of the culture. c. Adopt ethical objectives even when some stakeholders object. (even above personal interests for the sake of the organization or the greater good of the community) Managers focus on doing the right thing for the organization (more than themselves). (managers are criticized for being rule followers & putting their own position and rewards ahead of their employees´. Might require prescriptive leadership to insist on the adoption by all of an ethical code of the business. Ethical Considerations: Based on the leader´s personal values and moral judgment. This determines the extent to which leaders accept responsibility for ensuring the ethical conduct of their organization.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 4 3.3 Leadership and management- 4. Examine how ethical considerations and cultural differences may influence leadership and management styles in an organization AO3 1 hr Cultural Styles of Leadership might be different: influenced by the culture from which the leader originates and should also be influenced by the culture of the people they lead or manage. Leadership traits result partly from cultural norms and partly from the needs of the leadership task. By acknowledging cultural differences leaders should be able to improve their ability to operate effectively in a global context. Research Geert Hofstede – cultural dimensions theory: Power distance (High or low): Those cultures with greater power distance function better with autocratic leaders, at least at first. Cultures with low power distance resent autocratic leadership and preform better under democratic leadership. eg: Japan and Netherlands – group decision making different from USA, UK Australia: Charismatic model of leadership. Individualism/Collectivists (Anglo-American cultures- value individualism vs. Japanese – group cohesion) Individualist: strong, self-motivated managers who act to maximize there personal gain. (a more bureaucratic or autocratic style- distance from employees). Collectivists: act to help the community or the whole business. (less autocratic and more sensitive to employees needs, democratic leadership style) Uncertainty avoidance: Bureaucratic leaders set up rules and want them followed precisely Masculinity Long-term orientation/short term orientation.
3. 3 Leadership and management- 4 3.3 Leadership and management- 4. Examine how ethical considerations and cultural differences may influence leadership and management styles in an organization AO3 1 hr Leadership styles directly affect levels of morale, commitment, competence, which in turn affects productivity and profitability. Any business strategy considers effective leadership, especially when implementing changes. The trend: shift towards a more democratic style (delegating responsibility and empowering subordinates). The ever-changing business world requires the skills of creativity and service to others. Delegation frees time to fulfill strategic responsibilities. (they still need to monitor progress as they retain overall accountability. Globalization brings additional complexities: people in different cultures expect different things from their leaders. Knowledge and understanding of such differences can largely affect how managers and leaders behave in a cross-cultural situation.
4. Examine how ethical considerations and cultural differences may influence leadership and management styles in an organization AO3 1 hr Business leaders and senior managers have great influence on the success of the organisation. They determine strategy, establish the culture of the business and outline the ethical standards to be followed