Funding Methodologies: Road Maintenance & Road Construction Tribal Interior Budget Council November 8, 2016
Road Maintenance Funding Methodology Annual Appropriations under Department of the Interior Budget Category: Tribal Government Tribal Priority Allocations Funds made available to Regions via a formula 10 of 12 Regions receive RM funding Based on historic percentage Allocations to tribes/agencies are determined at the Region level are based on data specific to those regions
Steps of allocation of RM funding
Tribal Transportation Program Authority: Title 23 USC 202 Legislation: Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act, PL 114-94) Funding availability: FY16: $465 M FY17: $475 M FY18: $485 M FY19: $495 M FY20: $505 M Allocation based on statutory formula under 23 USC 202 (b) Allocation: 20% (FY2011 $) + [ 27% (Miles (2004 and 2012) + 39% (AIAN Population (NAHASDA)) + 34% (Historic Percentages avg, FY05-FY11)] + [$82,500,000; plus 12.5 percent of the total TTP in excess of $275,000,000; allocated to make whole tribes in which tribal shares in first two terms compared against FY2011 allocation]
Tribal Transportation Program (cont.) Eligible activities identified in 23 USC 202(a) 4 Set asides not subject to main formula Tribal Planning (2%) Safety (2%) Deficient Bridges (3%) Program Management and Oversight (Feds only) (5%) (BIA and FHWA)