Achieving Best in Class Performance for Collection Systems The Winston-Salem Program Management Approach The Story of the Winston-Salem Collection System Program (CSIP) Management Program Approach to reducing Sanitary Sewer Overflows 3 pronged approach: Operational Efficiency, Quality, Culture, Optimization Capital Planning, budgeting, capacity, construction planning Delivery.
Contents Background………………………………………………. Where are we and How did we get here? Initial “Quick Assessment”…………………………………………………. Where do we want to be? Fast Start & Strategic Planning-…………………………..How do we get to where we want to be? Year 1 -What was planned and what was accomplished……………………………….…And go! Year 2 – What’s next?
Background It all starts with a request from EPA 308 data request letter Data scrubbing and response assistance The Results- a LOV letter Rapid Assessment of Opportunities Master plan review Operational gap analysis Interviews Document Review Report out City of Winston-Salem decision to avoid Compliance Action Transition to the CSIP format HOW DID WE GET HERE? August 28, 2014…. EPA “308” letter- An information request Tell us everything about everything about your collection system SR # WR # compared to SSO reports- HUGE DATA SCRUBBING EFFORT 30 Days to respond LOV letter April 9, 2015 ( About 6 months later) RAPID ASSESSMENT-While waiting on the EPA to respond the Utilities Division began an assessment process to begin reducing SSO’s and prioritizing the right capital projects to address condition related, and capacity related SSO’s There was already a Collection System Master Plan Good- There was a plan Bad- Very conservative, and could form the basis of a Consent Decree Ugly- Focused mostly on growth and capacity related needs Very low I&I related SSO numbers Very expensive investments in Capacity and Pump Station related SSO Occurrences Operational Gap Analysis 20-25 interviews Document reviews Power Point report out
CSIP Program “Quick Start” Approach Continuation of Rapid Assessment Designed to identify immediate ROI activities Assess the state of the collection system Near Term Condition Discover Known Operational issues Develop an understanding of IT related issues Key Performance Indicators Concurrent with Strategic Planning process Perform a SWOC or “WS”-OC Incorporate previous Master Planning and PAS 55 Assessments Review known KPI’s The next step- AFTER City went through a larger scale procurement process to develop and deliver a more sustainable solution via a program management approach. Within the program management approach there were two concurrent initiatives: Continuation of the “Rapid Assessment” Beginning of a Strategic Planning Initiative. These things are related! WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE?
Mission and Vision Vision Mission We will be a top-performing utility supported by a trained, knowledgeable, and proactive staff, dependable equipment, efficient processes, effective information management, and fair and affordable rates. Mission To improve collection and conveyance of wastewater while protecting the environment and community we serve by complying with all regulatory requirements. WHERE DO WE WANT TO BE?
Overarching Concepts of the Program Ownership and Accountability Team Integration Knowledge Transfer Operational Optimization Condition and Capacity Assessment Design and Delivery of Construction Solutions These next few slides talk about how we moved forward, and what we accomplished in year 1 Discuss these concepts…
Quick Start Components (Accomplishments) Sewer Cleaning Data Collection (SOPs) Sewer Cleaning Frequency Optimization (Tools) Dynamic Risk based model Tools and training Identify and Implement right level of cleaning effort Identify the right technology tools, collect the right data, use the data in a risk based dynamic model Clean pipes at the right frequency based on: Pipe material Pipe condition How dirty Use the right techniques and the right equipment ½” hose vs 1” hose
Quick Start Components (Accomplishments) Near Term Condition Assessment Support Desk Top Assessment Develop a 4S sampling approach Prioritize Repairs Inform Capital Budgets With out an updated and accurate capital budget forecast tool - EPA could enforce the master plan assumptions via a consent decree or Compliance Order Use a statistical sample to predict the over all system The other way is to use data we already have, but that will over predict the condition of the system because it is based only on the poorest performing pipes. ( Desktop) By dividing the system into asset classes and sampling the condition of the assets Find things that prevent SSO’s (~ 100 miles of CCTV ) Get smarter about the life of the system….which tells us more about how much $$$ to spend and when Determine where we can have the greatest impact for the $$$
Quick Start Components (Accomplishments) SSO Response Training on data collection Updated SOP’s SSO Review Meeting Enhancements Root Cause Determination Approach Instead of just responding to- SSO’s- What can we learn from each occurrence? A lot of work when there are 8-10 SSO’s per month-----No so much when there are 2 or 3
Quick Start Components (Accomplishments) Deep Dive Operational Gap Assessment Develop an Optimization Plan (5 year Road map) Based on gaps identified Management Condition and Capacity Assessment Cleaning Optimization, Root Control, and Easement Management Construction and Repair Lift Station Operations FOG Programs SSO Response Planning and Scheduling Information Systems Support Staff Augmentation Create a plan for how to get where we are going…. A road map!
The Road Map TIER 1 HEADER First Name Last Name TIER 2 HEADER Business Title TIER 2 HEADER First Name Last Name Business Title The Road Map 200-300 findings and recommendations 15 bundles or intitiatives 5 years ( and then some) Prioritized to : Reduce SSO’s Operate more efficiently Become sustainable ( For example- proactive cleaning vs reactive cleaning)
Overarching Concepts Ownership and Accountability (Through Chartering) Agree on Purpose of the program and each initiative Agree on Roles of participants Develop the Mission and Vision statements Integrate with strategic planning Integrate Consulting Knowledge with Operational Knowledge Revisit the overarching concepts Chatering is like a “tailgate meeting” for a project
Overarching Concepts Integration and Knowledge Transfer (Ownership and Accountability) Road Map Initiatives have Client Lead Client Vice -Lead Client Champion Consultant Lead Milestones Challenges and mitigations Goals Get the right staff in the right place with the right tools Working the consultant out of a job Provide a gateway to a sustainable program Work the consultant out of a job!
Overarching Concepts Operational Optimization Follow the road map Change Course when Necessary Adapt the plan to the things discovered along the way “Definition of an SSO” Tying back to Strategic Planning Strategic Communications Leadership Training Talk about the evolution of service levels and responsibilities
Overarching Concepts Condition and Capacity Assessment 4S- Statistically Significant Sample Set Field Verification and Micro Calibration Optimization of Capital Dollars Red Flags!!!!! Example- South Fork #3, Fiddler’s Creek - Talk about how these projects evolved over time
Overarching Concepts Design and Delivery of Construction Solutions IDIQ (~45 defects under review or construction as we speak) Progressive Design Build Traditional SSES and Repair
Year 1 Outcomes Annual Report Talk here about the year 1 successes AP – Not legible. Agreed- Place holder until we get marketing help for better graphics
Year 1 Outcomes – KPI’s
Year 2 Outcomes – KPI’s AP – Not legible. Agreed- Place holder until we get marketing help for better graphics
Year 2 Upcoming Goals and Objectives Capital Planning SSO progress to Date Cleaning to date JE: if the SSO graphic goes on this slide too, might want to think of some other graphics for the previous two slides so you can maximize the different results that we show. Different Graphic John- This references the one Kim has asked for that is more interactive
The Road Map TIER 1 HEADER First Name Last Name TIER 2 HEADER Business Title TIER 2 HEADER First Name Last Name Business Title The Road Map Note to reviewers: This is simply a “prop” The speaking points will talk about how the road map is used and hoe it relates to the progress being made in the program. However, as we (I) develop the presentation, we might take advantage of the idea of zooming into certain aspects
Monday @ 9:30 Policy and Management Winston-Salem CSIP- Achieving Best in Class Performance Through an Integrated Team program Management Approach David Saunders, Courtney Driver, Damon Dequenne Monday @ 10:05 Statistically Significant Sample Set: A Streamlined Approach to Condition Assessment for the City/County Utilities Commission Erich Scherch, Alex Palmatier, Michael Stover Monday @ 10:40 To Build or not to Build-: Field Verification Methods for Capital Planning Tina Whitfield, Michael Stover Monday @ 1:45 Collection and Distribution Setting Sewer Maintenance Crews up for Success HDR Subcontractors for W-S CSIP Steve Tilson, Laurie Chase, Kim Duncan Monday @ 4:30 Special Topics Change Management and the I of the Pyramid HDR Subcontractors for W-S CSIP John Evans ( Blue Cypress) and Damon Dequenne Tuesday @ 10:45 The Project Delivery Side of the Winston-Salem Collection System Improvement Program: Using Progressive Design B8uild to Deliver Capital Projects Chris Brown Tuesday @ 2:15 Risk Based Predictive maintenance Solutions for Cleaning Sewer Mains Alex Palmatier, Kim Duncan Tuesday @ 3:55 To Know or not to Know- An actionable Approach to Performance Management Elizabeth Lowell, Mike Koivisto