Dealing with Gasoline and ULSD Cross Drops Edward W English, II Vice-President Technical Director Fuel Quality Services, Inc.
What is a Cross Drop? A Cross Drop occurs when Gasoline(E10) or ULSD is dropped into a tank containing a ULSD or Gasoline(E10) potentially rendering the entire tank out of specification.
Potential Outcome Possible outcomes of a Cross Drop: Gasoline (E10) contamination of ULSD or ULSD contamination Gasoline (E10). ULSD Contaminated by Gasoline (E10) Gasoline (E10) Contaminated by ULSD Minimum quantity 0.5% Minimum quantity 4-5% Reduction Flash Point Poor Cold Start due to Low Volatility Reduction in Lubricity & Viscosity Injector Valve Deposits, poor fuel spray HPCFR / Injector Low Pressure Residue buildup on cylinder walls Premature detonation Lower octane number (knocking) Diesel fuel could become flammable
What to Do, Step 1 “Quarantine and Isolate” Immediately quarantine and isolate the affected fuel system from use (from fill to dispenser). Immediately quarantine and isolate affected vehicles. If a vehicle fuel tank has been filled leave the engine off, do not put key into the ignition to avoid circulating the fuel in the vehicle engine.
What to Do, Step 2 “Sample affected fuel systems” Obtain samples of the fuel storage tank through the dispenser. Obtain samples of fuel from the affected vehicles Can perform qualitative tests in-house Send samples to a lab for quantitative results
What to Do, Step 3 “Optional Qualitative Tests” ULSD Contaminated with Gasoline (E10) Gasoline (E10) Contaminated with ULSD Qualitative Test Smell Test (Gasoline odor) (Diesel odor) Volatility Test (5 drops) (Evap., rate proportion to gasoline content) Volatility (5-10 drops) (After gasoline evaporates, ULSD Residue) Fuel Shake (Reduced to nonfoam indicate gasoline) (Signs of foam indicate ULSD) Ignition Test - 5 drops on a dish (Sustained flame indicates gasoline)
What to Do, Step 4 “Quantitative Tests” ULSD Contaminated with Gasoline (E10) Gasoline (E10) Contaminated with ULSD Quantitative Test D93 - Flash Point (Flash point near or less than 52˚C) D86 – Distillation (for ULSD >2%) (IBP ≥ 149˚F / FBP ≥ 437˚F) GC Finger Print (Hydrocarbon peaks prior to C10) D381 – Gum Test (for ULSD >2%) (Unusual mass wt. “unwashed gums”) GC Finger Print (for ULSD >2%) (Hydrocarbon peaks after C10)
Example Test Results
Gasoline Tests – D381 & D86 Gasoline Samples Lab Number Blinded Lab Number Blinded Sample Code Site Blinded Blinded Blinded D381 UnWshdGum g/100mL 2085 3914 840.5 1347 WashedGum 1 1.5 0.5 D86 IBP deg F 98.4 159.5 102.8 104.8 Evap_5 117.9 162.5 124.1 126.7 Evap_10 130 165 132.8 134.3 Evap_15 135.6 197.4 138.4 140.1 Evap_20 141.6 221.2 143.1 144.9 Evap_30 150.1 254.2 150.8 1051.8 Evap_40 198.7 283 196 208.47 Evap_50 243.6 318.2 234.9 249.2 Evap_60 282.9 352.87 275.4 289 Evap_70 338.9 412.3 324.4 344.3 407 486.1 392 413.9 511 559.7 501.6 517.4 568.6 606.1 569.4 574.3 FBP 618.3 639.4 608.4 621.6 Recovered mL 96.2 99.7 96.8 97.4 Residue 0.9 1.6 1.4 Loss 2.3 -0.6 1.2
Gasoline Tests – GC Fingerprint Diesel Peaks Gasoline Gasoline Carbons C5-C10 Diesel Carbons C11-C22 Diesel Peaks Gasoline Gasoline Carbons C5-C10 Diesel Carbons C11-C22
Diesel Tests – Flash Point Diesel Fuel Samples Lab Number Blind Sample Code D93 Flash Deg F < 80 Deg C < 27
Diesel Tests – GC Finger Print Gasoline Peaks Diesel Peaks Gasoline Carbons C5-C10 Diesel Carbons C11-C22
What to Do, Step 5 “If test results are negative” If test results do not detect a Cross Drop, it is business as usual. If you suspect periodic Cross Drops or Cross Contamination implement periodic surveillance and send sample to a reputable laboratory for testing.
What to Do, Step 6 “If test results are positive” Contact all responsible parties of the event and test results Thoroughly drain and vacuum the affected tank. Flush the transfer and dispenser lines (remove filter from filter housing). Replace the dispenser filter. Fill tank and place back in service. If vehicles are affected, thoroughly flush and clean vehicle fuel systems.