Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Today’s objectives: Get Acquainted Find out what to expect Homework: Read and sign contracts Complete survey Gather supplies View website and read PP 1 a, b, c Today’s Handouts: HC Syllabus, Survey, Academic Contract, Parent letter, STEM Syllabus, STEM handouts
What is Honors Chemistry? Lab based college preparatory class Prepares students for AP Chemistry
What does taking the AP exam and doing well mean to me? Financial Benefit At Miami University* in Oxford Ohio: Acceptable score 3 to 5 Score of 3 earns credit for CHM 111 including lab (4 hours) Score of 4 or 5 earns credit for CHM 141, 142, 144, and 145 (10 hours).
What does taking the AP exam and doing well mean to me? Benefit at Ivy League and other private schools: Make your freshman year easier Level the playing field (your peers will have all taken lots of AP courses) Acceptable scores 4 or 5 Impress College Admission Counselors Develop College-Level Academic Skills Save Money/Time – graduate sooner Choose a Major Sooner/register earlier Take More Elective Classes in College Add a Minor or Second Major More Easily
Next, Lets look at our handouts Honors Chemistry Syllabus Safety and Academic contract Cornell notes template Student survey STEM Syllabus STEM – What do I need for STEM?