FCYO LEARNING AND EXCHANGE FUND The purpose of the Learning and Exchange fund is to provide support for organizational learning and relationship building among youth organizing groups across the country.
Youth Core Program FCYO's Youth Community Organizing Resource Exchange (Youth CORE) is a set of activities that aim to help build a stronger and more stable youth organizing field in the U.S. Launched in 2015, Youth CORE’s activities bring together a large number of youth organizers from across the country to share learnings, build relationships, and develop common strategy
Youth Core Activities Youth Power Convening Webinars Learning and Exchange Fund
FCYO LEARNING AND EXCHANGE FUND THE FCYO LEARNING AND EXCHANGE will provide small grants up to 5K for youth organizing groups for the following: Shared learning, strategizing and relationship building between organizations and Training or strategizing opportunities with social justice consultants to strengthen organizational capacity powerful organizing and movement building efforts, youth leaders have achieved meaningful change that has improved the living conditions of immigrant communities, black and brown youth, LGBTQ communities and working families. current political landscape poses threats to these very communities as they continue to fight for racial, economic and social justice in the face of policy agendas that attempt to deny basic human rights
Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange Funding Categories Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange Organizations with comparable levels of expertise and history in the youth organizing field that seek to learn or share learnings, organizing models and/or build stronger relationships
Emerging Organization Learning Opportunities Funding Categories Emerging Organization Learning Opportunities For organizations with a 5-year or less track record that plan to partner with an organization that has an established track record to engage in a shared learning activity
Current Political Landscape Funding Categories Current Political Landscape Organizations that seek to refine organizing strategies, fortify alliances or strengthen policy advocacy efforts with a focus on new strategies to build power in light of recent election.
Consultations and Trainings Funding Categories Consultations and Trainings For organizations that desire to work with consultants and trainers to assist them with developing specific skills (ex. Organizing, alliance building, racial justice analysis, strategy development, fundraising, technology and communications.)
Potential Providers While FCYO prefers that groups applying to this fund identify their partners in their grant proposals, groups are not absolutely required to do so. FCYO staff members are available to assist groups with identifying partners and trainers if needed. A list of potential partners is available, but groups are not limited to organizations on this list.
FCYO LEARNING AND EXCHANGE FUND Examples of the kind of activities we hope to support: A visit to another youth organizing group to learn about their model Bringing together a few youth organizing groups to learn about and discuss a particular topic Post election organizing work that promotes strategy enhancement, relationship and alliance building
FCYO LEARNING AND EXCHANGE FUND Examples of the kind of activities we hope to support: Attending a specific training such as SOUL, BOLD, GIFT, Generative Somatics, or Highlander A leadership development plan for a key individual leader (coaching, mentorship, training, exchange) An organizational learning experiment (experimenting with a new model for base building, fundraising etc.…)
Requirements Actively engage low-income young people and/or young people of color in organizing collective action for social, economic, or racial justice. Involve young people in the organization leadership. Be a 501c3 or have a fiscal agent, which is a 501c3 entity.
Criteria Have clear learning goals and can demonstrate how learning or exchange will strengthen the organization’s work. Articulate how learnings could be shared with the field through a webinar, convening workshop or other means. Have a track record for successfully engaging young people in organizing for social justice. (Note- Organizations will have the opportunity to use FCYO convenings and webinars to share learnings or create their own forum.)
Criteria Demonstrate how learning or exchange opportunity will hone ability to potentially win concrete policy victories and/or engage significant numbers of marginalized young people for the long term Engage constituencies impacted by racial, social and economic injustice that are likely to suffer increased attacks due to the political landscape (such as by black and brown youth, immigrant, LGBTQ communities)
Number of grants We expect to make 20-25 grants Our last open fund received 110 proposals
Application Process Step 1: Online Profile Please complete your organizational profile on the FCYO online mapping tool at https://fcyo.org/register. We will use this as the first step in any application for FCYO programs. This site will also help us share information about the great work that youth organizers are doing with funders and the wider community.
Youth Organizing Landscape Map Will
Youth Organizing Landscape Map WHAT IS IT? Interactive Map & Searchable Database of Youth Organizing Source of information for FCYO Communications, Funder Advocacy & Research First Step in Applying to FCYO’s Programs WHO IS IT FOR? Funders Youth organizers General Public Will
Youth Organizing Landscape Map Will
Youth Organizing Landscape Map Will
Youth Organizing Landscape Map Programs Text Description Issue Areas Populations Support Services Will
Application Process Step 2: Cover Page Organization Name Name of Fiscal Sponsor if Applicable Address Contact Person Name, Phone, Email, Org. budget Age of young people involved (check all that apply): 13-18 18-25 25-30 Amount Requested Learning and Exchange Fund Option- Peer-to-Peer, Emerging Organization Learning Opportunity, Organizing in Current Political Landscape or Consultations with Social Justice Trainers/Consultants A one paragraph summary of your request
Application Process Step 3: Narrative Please complete a narrative answering all of the following questions. Do not exceed three pages. 1. What is the specific learning or exchange opportunity your organization(s) will pursue with support from the Learning and Exchange Fund? What are your learning goals? What skills, abilities and/or relationships are you hoping to strengthen as a result of this learning or exchange opportunity? 2. Are you applying alone or are other organizations involved in this proposal either as learning partners or as consultants or trainers? If you have already identified partners, please include information on who they are, how they will be involved and why you have picked them. If you have not yet identified partner organizations but plan to, please tell us what you are looking for and how you will go about finding them. 3. What specific activities will you undertake to meet your goals? 4. What benefit will the proposed learning and exchange opportunity potentially provide for the broader youth organizing field? How will the organization(s) share learnings with the broader youth organizing field?
Application Process 501(c) 3 Determination Letter Board of Directors Step 4: Attachments: 501(c) 3 Determination Letter Board of Directors Organizational Budget for the Current Year Project Budget Most recent audited financial statement
Questions and Answers Jan 12- Webinar Feb 6- Proposals Due Key Dates Jan 12- Webinar Feb 6- Proposals Due Feb 20- Grant decisions completed Questions and Answers