The E-book some copyright issues Daniela Živković, Ph. D. Associate Professor Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb, Croatia NOTE: Want a different image on this slide? Select the picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Policy for Books and Libraries Legislation for the Bookworld International Conference and Workshop Warsaw, 13 – 15 Nov 1996 International Colloquium on Legal Framework for Books, Libraries and Publishing in the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, 6 – 7 Dec 1996
Policy for Books and Libraries – E-books? (1) The IFLA Position on Copyright in Digital Environment (2000) Digital is not different. Balanced copyright is for everybody.
Policy for Books and Libraries – E-books? (2) Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 Schaake, M. Report on a Digital freedom strategy in EU foreign policy (2012/2094(INI)) Directive 2001/29/EC of 22 May 2001 on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society Reda, J. Report on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society (2014/2256(INI)) / rapporteur Julia Reda. Izvor:
An E-book Policy in Europe EBLIDA Position Paper (2012) European Libraries and the Challenges of e-publishing The right to read: an e-book policy for libraries in Europe (2013) LACA. The London Manifesto. Fair Copyright Reform for Libraries and Archives in Europe (2015) Digital Single Market Strategy – 16 specific initiatives (2015) The DSM can create opportunities for new startups and allow existing companies in a market of over 500 mln people. Completing a Digital Single Market could contribute € 415 billion per year to Europe's economy, create jobs and transform our public services. An E-book Policy in Europe Izvor:
Key E-book Issues Public lending right Interlibrary loan The IFLA Position on public lending right Interlibrary loan Digitization of orphan works Directive 2012/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works Privacy Izvor:
Licencing (CLM) IFLA Licencing Principles (2001) Licences for Europe (2013)
Key E-book Issues archiving e-books in repositories OA e-learning Izvor: Izvor:
E-book policy in science and education?
The Future of E-books No out-of-print books Antiquarian e-books? Recommendations for science e-books
Strategy of Research Institutions for E-books 1. Activities of Research Institutions Title list Digitisation Out-of-print works Copyright issues Orphan works Partnership of research institutions, publishers and distributors 2. Authorities Grants Financial, administrative and tehnological support Reduced VAT 3. Science E-books Research institutions as e-book publishers Digitised Digitally born Platforms E-lending E-learning 4. OA E-books Institutional repositories
References Horvat, A. ; Živković, D. Između javnosti i privatnosti: knjižnice u vremenu e-knjige. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2012. (Ger. ed. Zwischen Öffentlich und Privat: Bibliotheken in der Zeit des e- books, 2015.). Horvat, A. ; Živković, D. Knjižnice i autorsko pravo. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2009. Available at: Živković, D. E-knjiga – neki autorskopravni aspekti. // Vizija i stvarnost: zbornik u povodu 40 godina djelovanja Aleksandre Horvat u knjižničarstvu. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2016. Str. 153- 167. Živković, D. Elektronička knjiga. Zagreb : Multigraf, 2001. (Eng. ed. The Electronic Book, 2005).