Scientific publishing and Cristin Information meeting for new PhD students – 13 Oct 2017
Current Research System in Norway Cristin Current Research System in Norway 2. Storage of Research Data Information meeting for new PhD Norwegian University of Life Sciences
1. Cristin Is the official national reporting system used to record and register research results, researcher profiles, projects etc. Cristin forms the basis for the reporting of “publication points” - determines part of the research institution's annual budget. Purpose: To simplify the reporting of research results, and to promote greater visibility of the researchers' and institutions' expertise and research. Information meeting for new PhD students Norwegian University of Life Sciences
All scientific publications must be registered in Cristin. Automatic import or by manual registration by the researcher/ author. Cristin imports data from large databases such as ISI Web of Science, Scopus, NORART and Bibsys. For manual registration in Cristin: Log in to CRIStin (NMBU user name and password) If you need help: Contact the Cristin-contact person at your Department The deadline for NMBU authors to register the previous year’s scientific publications is 31th of January Information meeting for new PhD students Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Posters at conferences Oral presentations Press releases Projects Etc. Other dissemination of research results may also be registered in Cristin: Posters at conferences Oral presentations Press releases Projects Etc. Information meeting for new PhD students Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
2. Research data What is research data? Any form of registration/ notes/ reported numbers, texts, pictures and sounds that have been generated during research projects. There is often a divide between research data used for academic production and research data that is generated in ongoing projects. Requirements: Storage of research data must be in relation to current regulations, guidelines for research ethics and demands from the funding agencies. Research data upon which scientific publications is based, must normally be stored for a minimum of 10 years. Information meeting for new PhD students Norwegian University of Life Sciences
2. Research data Where to store research data? Students and academic staff shall store research data on NMBU’s server or in national/ international servers/ archives. Ex. NorStore and Norsk Senter for Forskningsdata (NSD) – NORDi. Sensitive data: Tjenester for Sensitive Data (TSD) at UiO and and Norsk Senter for Forskningsdata (NSD) – NORDi. Contact your local IT-manager for safely storage of research data NMBU has guidelines for storage of research data upon which scientific publications is based (laid down by the rector 6 October 2015). Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
Tittel på presentasjon Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
3. Open Access NMBU wants to increase the number of publications in Open Access journals. Therefore, a publishing fund of 300 000 NOK has been established. The purpose of the fund is to support publications in fee-based Open Access journals. Information meeting for new PhD students Norwegian University of Life Sciences
To get support from the publishing fund, the publication has to: 1. Be registered in CRIStin. 2. Be published in a «gold» OA journal. 3. Be published in journals accepted by The Norwegian Database for Higher Education (DBH) and member of DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals. 4. Corresponding author should be a NMBU student or employed. 5. Maximum amount of support is limited to 15 000 NOK pr. article. For questions contact: Information meeting for new PhD students Norwegian University of Life Sciences