Radcliffe on Trent Infant and Nursery School Parents Information Evening 2016
Introduction Who’s who in Owl class? Mrs Bestwick Mrs Smith ( Every morning 1 to 1 support) Mrs Pidgeon ( Every afternoon 1 to 1 support) Miss Godfry ( Student teacher, with us until Christmas) Mrs Johnson (Thursday afternoon Management time. Alternate Tuesday morning or afternoon PPA cover)
Introduction Who’s who in Kingfisher class? Mr Stockley Mrs Heath (Alternate Tuesday morning or afternoon PPA cover)
Introduction Who’s who in Robin class? Miss Jones Mrs Ritzmann (Monday – Thursday mornings 1 to 1 support). Mrs Smith (Alternate Tuesday morning or afternoon PPA cover)
New changes to our school New foundation stage unit which means that the main school building is for KS1 ( Years 1 and 2) children only. Whole outdoor area including field for KS1 children at play time. We now have new Year 1 classrooms and even spare classrooms to use for Nurture Groups and targeted intervention support groups. New reading books Numeracy is now called Maths Literacy is now called English Introduction of cursive handwriting throughout school.
Pre-cursive handwriting
Behaviour Behaviour is one of our main points of focus this year. Follow the school “Rainbow rules.” We are being firm but fair and are expecting high standards of behaviour. Please support us with this at home too. Whole class behaviour ladder. Good behaviour is rewarded by stickers for reaching the pot of gold and being in the Sparkly Book.
Our Rainbow Rules.
Curriculum / Assessment There was a new National Curriculum introduced in 2014 and Government expectations have changed. The learning objectives the children have to cover for their year group have significantly increased in difficulty (see information in packs). In the Year 1 Phonics Screening in June there were 40 words to de-code. These were made up of both real and nonsense words. Children who did not pass the year one Phonics Screening test will have to re- take the test in year 2.
Autumn Term Topic overview 2015 - 2016 The Enchanted Forest Celebrations
English Children will read in groups or 1 to 1 with an adult, depending on their ability to decode and comprehend texts. Guided reading takes place in small groups of children and focuses on reading for meaning. Reading books will be changed on a weekly basis. Reading diaries – Please write about any reading your child does outside of school.
English Writing – We are expecting children to write every day for a variety of purposes. What can you do to help your child? Letter formation – upper and lower case pre- cursive (start on the line). Practice writing tricky words with pre-cursive handwriting style. Practise reading for meaning as opposed to simply decoding. Children should be able to retell the story and ask and answer questions about it.
Maths New curriculum objectives are being taught across KS1 (see information pack). All calculations need to be drawn out in tens and ones, using numicon formation. An emphasis is being placed on deeper learning and application of maths skills in a variety of contexts. What can you do to help your child? Recognise and write numbers – digits and words, up to 100. Counting to 100 in steps of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Number bonds to 10/20 Practise drawing out calculations.
Marking and feedback New marking and feedback policy. Use of visual symbols as steps to success for writing. Teachers marking in green and pink Green is for “growth!”, Pink is for “positive!” Lots of feedback is given straight away in a verbal format alongside the child about how they can improve their work. Children are given time to improve their work or to respond to any corrections needed in purple pen.
Enhancing the curriculum We offer a broad and balanced curriculum Ofsted praised our depth and variety of coverage. Parent helpers for reading, cooking etc ( see the school office for DBS clearance) Visiting clergy every Wednesday Theatre companies Educational visits
Finally.... Looking forward to a successful and happy year. Open door policy – any concerns/ worries- please do come and see us straight away. More information on the Year 2 SATS evening – date to be confirmed (Spring Term).