World War II By Cacia
Did You Know… The war started on the 3rd September 1939 World War II started because Adolf Hitler invaded Poland and he wouldn’t get out so Neville Chamberlain declared war on Germany! The war started on the 3rd September 1939 Did You Know… After the war ended Hitler committed suicide and shot himself The war ended in 1945 During World War II there was a new Priminster elected, Winston Churchill.
There were two sides in WW2 Axis Allies Germany Italy Japan Britain France China USA Austria Soviet Union
Hitler Roosevelt Chamberlin/ Churchill The Leaders from WWII Hitler Roosevelt Chamberlin/ Churchill
Evacuation… During World War II children from the age of 5-15 were evacuated to the country side so there is less danger of being bombed, and there can be a future generation when the war is over. They packed warm clothes, a ration book, hank chief, a toothbrush, gas masks, a bar of soap, underwear, shoes and probably a picture of there parents. The reason why they were evacuated to the country side was because there was less danger of bombs being dropped, however it was a risky journey because the German Air Force tried to blow up railway tracks and trains so the children wouldn’t be able to get away from the city and go into the country side to be safe. During evacuation, children learnt new skills like fishing and maybe cycling and maybe had the chance to make new friends.
The Blitz