Kappa delta pi all member meeting 9/8/15
Exec Introductions President: Baylie Cheslock- chesloba@miamioh.edu Vice President: Gabby Heinemann- heinemgl@miamioh.edu Vice President 2: Sara Custenborder- custensm@miamioh.edu Public Relations/Points Chair: Elissa Jacko – jackoem@miamioh.edu Social Chair: Corrine Brown- brownck4@miamioh.edu Treasurer: Taylor Florea – floreat@miamioh.edu Service/Philanthropy Chair: Kelly Mack – mackkf@miamioh.edu Service/Philanthropy Chair: Jacquie Lapple – lapplejl@miamioh.edu Nu Chapter Adviser: Jeannie Ducher- ducherj@miamioh.edu
Points Elissa Jacko E-mail points to: kdppoints15@gmail.com New members need 15 points and current members need 10 points by April to become or stay an active member. Seniors need 10 points to receive their cords. Sandy Hormel-got to TMS—3 points Sandy Hormel-volunteering @ oxford community art center 1 point https://docs.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/forms/d/1_wHRz5gM4qnWxBkhR59Z_-gU3ncifI18vRKwBGfoQNs/viewform?c=0&w=1
Points Monthly meetings—1 point Donations (Rothenberg holiday baskets) Elissa Jacko Monthly meetings—1 point Donations (Rothenberg holiday baskets) Rothenberg holiday baskets: more information to come in November Student Teaching—4 points (email kdppoints15@gmail.com to get points) Adopt-A-School (contact Hanna House) or tutoring—2 points Speakers/Career Services—1 point Rothenberg (deliver holiday baskets or books)—3 points https://docs.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/forms/d/1_wHRz5gM4qnWxBkhR59Z_-gU3ncifI18vRKwBGfoQNs/viewform?c=0&w=1 As more opportunities for points come up you will be notified.
10th annual Sandy Hormel Book Celebration Al Capone Does My Shirts by: Gennifer Choldenko Gennifer’s Author Presentation is Thursday, September 17th at 7:00pm at Oxford Community Art Center. (1 point for attending) Augusta’s Author presentation at Oxford Community Art Center (1 point) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pFtlFSDBB qHWTYpEmYvFdCEfTgUDYNKU6IaWffMhehA/edit#gid= 0) Intergenerational Book Discussion at Oxford Community Art Center on Tuesday, September 15th (1 point) (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14JkLqWW aXbvmxFXIesMIuoJsA3xnMSj01HY_wvwG9ok/edit#gid =0)
10th annual Sandy Hormel Book Celebration Friday, September 18th Book Discussions at Talawanda Middle School (3 points) Sign up for a time https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1Admjlw17rIxaJMQja24Nawy5NZgswdSr AFC6WjtdfqU/edit You will receive a free copy of the book You will receive a copy of the lesson plan you will be teaching to students at Talawanda Middle School https://docs.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/document/d/1djxISFtvbzGEXlWJpKgEGLJ8fNLb_Ot-BUHEBT1vV9w/edit
Any last questions, concerns, or suggestions? Thank you for coming! :)