Create a Study Abroad Section SCHEDULE Welcome to the iROAR training videos. The following video will show you how to create a new study abroad section. If you need more information on how to use Banner for this process, please look up our training manuals available on the Clemson University website. To be able to create a section, the course must have first been approved through the curriculum process and entered in Banner Catalog. Create a Study Abroad Section Click on the Notes tab for captions!
Type in SSASECT in the Go To… box. Hit Enter. After logging into iROAR, you will be at the general menu. Move the cursor to the Go To box on the top left corner of the screen. Type in SSASECT, then press enter. The Schedule SSASECT form will appear.
Schedule SSASECT form 1. Type in Term or use drop down arrow to select term. 2. Click on the Create CRN icon. Type in Term or click the drop down arrow next to the field to search for a term. Terms consist of the year and the following naming convention: 01 for Spring; 05 for Summer; and 08 for Fall semester. For example the term for Fall of 2013 is 201308. Once term is entered, click on the Create CRN icon.
Enter Subject 1. Type in Subject or click drop down arrow to select subject. 2. Select View Existing Courses. Type in the Subject abbreviation or click on the drop down arrow to select a subject. An Option List will pop up. Select View Existing Courses. It will open the Existing Courses validation table from which select a course and click OK. Subject and Course Number will populate. 3. Select a course and click OK.
Course Number and Section 1. Type in Course Number or click drop down arrow to select course number. 2. Type in Section or click drop down arrow to start a query for next available section. If Course Number has not populated already, type in the Course Number or click drop down arrow to select a Course Number. Then type in the section of the course to be added. There is no logic behind the assignment of section numbers. Simply choose the next section number in the sequence. If the Whisper line indicates error, or you do not know the next section number, click on the drop down arrow next to the field to start a query. The query will help to determine the next section number available.
Schedule Section Query 3. Exit Query form. 1. Click Execute Query. 2. Note Whisper Line. A Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter. 2a. Exit forms and begin numbering this section as 001 or… This form is used to search for all existing sections. Type in as much or as little information as you wish. The more information you enter, the more specific your search results will be. For example, if you keep the Term, Subject and Course Numbers that are already populated, all sections of this specific course will open. Click on the Execute Query icon, then note the Whisper line. If it says: “Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter,” it means that no section for this course exist in this term and you can begin by numbering this section as 001 after closing the query form. However, if it says: “Record 1 of X,” it means that a section for this course exist in this term. Note the last section number, exit the form, and enter the next section number in line. B B Record 1 of XXX. 2b. Note the last section number, exit forms, enter section number as determined.
Section and Campus 1. Enter Section number as determined. DO NOT use Cross List field at this point. 2. Type in Campus code or click drop down arrow to select Campus. Back on the Schedule form, enter the Section number as determined. It consists of 3 digits. For example if this is the first section, enter 001 in the field. Then skip the Cross List field for now. Click in the Campus field and either enter the Campus Code or click on the drop down arrow to open the Campus Validation table. Select as appropriate and click OK. Code and description will populate. If this section will be offered online, choose the campus code of Online, otherwise choose the site from which the course will be taught. 3. Select Campus. 4. Click OK.
Status, Schedule Type, and Instructional Method 1. Click Status drop down arrow, select A - Active. 2. Click Schedule Type drop down arrow and select the only option displayed. Click on the Status field’s drop down arrow. Select A for Active from the opening validation table and click OK. Then click on Schedule Type’s drop down arrow and select the only option displayed. Then click on the Instructional Method field’s drop down arrow, and select as applicable. Once students are enrolled in this section, the instructional method cannot be changed. 3. Click Instructional Method drop down arrow, select as applicable.
Integration Partner 1. Click Integration Partner drop down arrow. Click on Integration Partner field’s drop down arrow. The Integration Partner System Rules form will appear. Double click on BB, the only choice. It will populate on the Schedule form. 2. Double-click on BB.
Grade Mode, Session, Special Approval, and Duration DO NOT enter a Grade Mode. DO NOT enter Session. If Special Approval is required, click drop down arrow and select as applicable. DO NOT enter a Grade Mode, Session, or Duration. If Special Approval is required, click the drop down arrow to select appropriate choice. If the special approval field is used, no students will be able to register for this section, unless an override is given by a user with override access. Leave the field blank, if no special approval is necessary. DO NOT enter Duration.
Part of Term 1. Click Part of Term drop down arrow. 2. Select as applicable. Click the Part of Term field’s drop down arrow and select as applicable from the opening validation table. Then, click okay. Part of term cannot be changed once students are enrolled and/or a meeting time and instructor are assigned. 3. Click OK.
Registration Dates, Start Dates, Maximum Extension, and Prerequisite Check Method DO NOT enter: Registration Dates, Start Dates, Maximum Extension. DO NOT enter anything in the following fields: Registration Dates, Start Dates, or Maximum Extension. DO NOT change the Prerequisite Check Method. DO NOT change: Prerequisite Check Method.
Tuition and Fee Waiver Box 3. Click Save. 4. Exit form. 1. DO NOT change any fields on the right side of the page. DO NOT change any fields on the right side of the form. However, you must check the Tuition and Fee Waiver box in order for special tuition to be applied to this study abroad section. Then click Save and exit the form. To apply restrictions to this section, refer to the training manual titled Registration Restrictions. 2. Check the Tuition and Fee Waiver box.
Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention. You can navigate between slides and sections of the video for further review of the process of study abroad section creation or you can also look up our training manuals posted on the iROAR website.