Map Features 4th Grade
Purpose The purpose of this lesson is to demonstrate an understanding of the use of map elements. Why You Ask? To prepare your map for Amazing Race
Map Title The title of the map is found at the top of the map. Map of Florida The title of the map is found at the top of the map.
Compass Rose Compass or Compass rose shows the directions: North South East West
Directions Directions can be given cardinally: Or in immediate: North South East West Or in immediate: North West South West North East South East
Legend and Symbols A key is used to describe what symbols stand for on a map. = City Can you find a city?
Scale One side of a scale represents the distance on a map. The other side represents the true distance of objects in real life.
Line of Longitude Lines of longitude run from north to south on a map. The center line of longitude is the prime meridian
Lines of Latitude Lines of latitude run from east to west on a map. The center line of latitude is called the equator.
Lines of Latitude and Longitude These lines work together to create a grid to help people find locations. Can you find a longitude and latitude coordinate in Florida?