MDM-PAB Meeting- Jharkhand Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting- Jharkhand 20th March, 2015 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF MDMS in Jharkhand (Primary + Upper Primary) (1.4.2014 to 31.12.2014) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practices State Government is providing additional Rs.0.10 Pcpd at Primary and Rs. 0.16 Pcpd at Upper Primary level towards cooking cost. SMS based monitoring system at Dhanbad & Koderma. Additional water points connections to school hand pumps, with the help of UNICEF. Kitchen garden are maintained at school premises Effective management of MDM through Bal Sansad Popular film on Mid Day Meal for effective ad vocation - UNICEF in collaboration with education department of Jharkhand has developed few films on MDM.
ISSUES The coverage of children is 51% at Primary and 48% at Upper primary against enrolment. 3860 (5%) Cook cum helpers not engaged. 8554 (22%) Kitchen cum store are yet to be constructed. MME Utilization is only 20% RBSK: 40% children received health check-up & 31% children received IFA against enrolment. Annual (92%) and Monthly data (76%) entry incomplete. Honorarium to Cook cum helpers is being paid by Cheque. AWP&B 2015-16 not submitted through MDM – MIS web portal. Delay release of funds.. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Issues Highlighted by Monitoring Institutions MDM is not being served in all the visited sample schools. Interruption in serving meal ranged from 03 to 60 days No measures adopted to streamline the shortage or irregularity of supply of funds. No buffer stock of one month’s requirement is maintained Irregular payment of remuneration of cooks/helpers continues Shortage of funds at school level. Health cards are not maintained.
Coverage of Children - Enrolment Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs) 51% 55% 51% ASER Report, 2014 – 61.7% enrolled children present and MDM was served in 78.6 % on the day of visit.
% Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (Pry) Sl. No District Enrolment as on 30.9.2014 Average number of children availed MDM Diff % Coverage 1 Ranchi 196655 128661 67994 65% 2 Pakur 127490 47919 79571 38% 3 Godda 176036 77448 98588 44% 4 Deoghar 191883 67737 124146 35% 5 Sahebganj 184877 68480 116397 37%
Coverage of Children- Enrolment Vs Achievement (U.Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs) 52% 53% 49% Percentage indicates coverage against Enrollment ASER Report, 2013 –56.5% enrolled children present and MDM was served in 78.6 % on the day of visit. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (U Pry) Sl. No. District Enrolment30.9.2014 Average children Diff % coverage 1 Ranchi 86634 52522 34112 61% 2 Godda 69856 30091 39765 43% 3 Sahebganj 59349 23776 35573 40% 4 Deoghar 80351 31444 48907 39% 5 Pakur 38368 14715 23653 38% 6 Giridih 121135 44957 76178 37% 7 Dumka 71707 19390 52317 27%
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Quantity in MTs 56% 61% 64% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI (up to 31.12.2014) Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh ) 50% Rs. 2049.64 lakh is pending as on 31.1.2015 as per FCI bills Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakh 56% 62% 64% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Approval Vs Achievement Engagement of Cooks-cum-Helpers during 1.4.14 to 31.12.14 Primary + Upper Primary No. of CCH 95% ee Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Honorarium : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakh 56% 60% 49% 49% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
MME: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 28% 21% 20% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Transportation Assistance : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Rs in Lakhs 17% 37% 7% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Construction of Kitchen cum Stores Progress (in %) Total Units sanctioned : 39001 23385KS 8554 KS 7062 KS State Govt. has requested to revalidate the fund for 3500 units( Rs. 5147.92 .14 lakh).
Procurement of Kitchen Devices under MDM Total Sanctioned : New 37132 Kitchen Devices Progress (in %) 15849 Units of KD replacement sanctioned : 10573 (67%) Procured State Government has requested to revalidate the 670 kitchen device sanctioned for replacement
Coverage _ RBSK Component No. of Schools covered No. of Children covered Total in State 41121 5081833 Health Check up 18586 (50%) 2026757 (40%) Iron & Folic Acid distribution 14492 (35%) 1577338 (31%) Vitamin ‘A’ distribution 9454 (23%) 346251(7%) Deworming Tablets distribution 12490 (30%) 665767(13%) Spectacle distribution 2977 72836
SCORE CARD_ALL COMPONENTS_ Three Years 2014-15 2012-13 2013-14 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison MIS/AWP&B 2015-16
Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2015-16 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2015-16 : Children (Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Enrolment PAB Approval Q-3 Availed MDM Q-1 Proposed Q-2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2015-16 : Children (Upper Primary) No. of children (in Lakhs) Enrolment Proposed Availed MDM PAB Approval Q-3 Q-1 Q-2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR COOK-CUM-HELPERS PAB Approval For 2014-15 Engaged during 2014-15 Cooks to be engaged (2015-16) 85066 81206 (No addl.) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR Kitchen-cum-stores Total Institutions (Govt. + Govt. aided + Local Bodies) Total Sanctioned till 2014-15 Construction through Convergence Gap State’s Proposal Recommendation 1 2 3 4=(1-2-3) 5 6 40705 39001 2143 State Govt. has requested to revalidate the fund for 3500 units of Rs. 5147.92 .14 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR Kitchen devices Total Institutions Total Sanctioned till 2013-14 Convergence Gap State’s Proposal Recommendation by Appraisal team New Replacement 1 2 3 4 5=(1-2-4) 6 7 8 9 41121 37132 15849 3989 17536 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations S. No Component PAB Approval 2014-15 Proposal for 2015-16 Recommendation 1 Children (Pry) 2064547 2140610 1831872 2 Children (U Pry) 783937 911729 726063 3 NCLP 4503 3210 Working Day (Pry and U. Pry) & NCLP 245,245,312 254,254,312 4 Kitchen cum Store Nil 5 Cook cum Helper 85066 No additional 6 Kitchen Devices New 3989 Replacement 17536 7 MME (Rs. in lakhs) Rs. 7.77 Cr. As per norms 8 Requirement of Central Assistance (Rs. in lakhs) Rs.32322.62 Lakh Rs. 39709.65 lakh Rs. 34338.61 lakh
Pre-requisite step Status Plan should be approved by SSMC Meeting Signed by PS Release of funds through e-transfer from State / District to at least 50% schools Yes 100% payment of cost of food grains made to FCI No, (50%) 100% payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers through e-transfer to their bank accounts. No By Cheque Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY 2014-15 should be completed up to December 2014. 92% & 76% Emergency Medical Plan on the lines of the contingency plan of Odisha. Submission of Plan through MDM-MIS Not yet Action taken note on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of 2014-15 Action taken note on findings of reports of Monitoring Institute. Action plan for the testing of food samples, Number of food samples tested by accredited labs and findings No Separate and detailed MME plan Plan submitted duly signed by the Pr. Secretary / Secretary of the State/UT within the scheduled date. Yes
Thank You ! Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Institutions : Existing Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Institutions 100% 99% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Coverage : Institutions : Existing Vs Achievement (Upper Primary with Primary) No. of Institutions 100% 99% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India