Inside of a Leaf
Epidermis The epidermis protects the leaf on the TOP and BOTTOM. Think about your body without skin. That would be like the leaf without its epidermis.
Vein ~take water to the leaf. ~give food and water to the stems and roots. Vein FOOD and WATER to stem and roots WATER to leaf
Pause and think. . . If the veins of the leaf give FOOD and WATER to the stem and roots, what would happen to a plant with no leaves?
Stomata are tiny openings in the leaf Stomata are tiny openings in the leaf. They let water and gases in and out of the leaf. Stomata
Chloroplasts Chlorophyll cells inside of the leaf Chlorophyll gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll is inside of chloroplasts.
epidermis vein stomata chloroplast chlorophyll Do you know where the labels go? epidermis vein stomata chloroplast chlorophyll