BONJOUR INDIA Inter-School French Festival Institut français India – Embassy of France in India
DATES Your school may choose any one of the following dates to organize the festival in your school campus: Friday 17, or Saturday 18, or Friday 24, or Saturday 25 November 2017
Idea: a day around the language, culture and French civilization Theme: Partnership and Cooperation France in India India in France
How Most of the schools in India already celebrate one day of the French language. Your school can take the lead and host the festival in its campus. This time your school can invite other schools to participate in the Bonjour India Inter-School French Festival. There are three formats to host the festival in your school
3 FORMATS, ONE FESTIVAL Format 30: open to schools which have already been designated as “School for excellence in French language” (your school can host 30 other neighbouring schools) Format 10: “Schools for Indo-French friendship” (your school can host 10 other neighbouring schools) Format 1: “Schools with a global outlook” (your school hosts the event independently) NB. : (details on “formats” are available in the “DESCRIPTIVE”)
Where The festival shall take place in secondary and senior secondary Schools everywhere in India. However other academic institutions (colleges and university departments) can also organise the festival in their campuses. The festival shall take place in institutions that offer French language to their students & have registered to be a part of this festival
Participation format School teams (max. 10 students per team) Age: 13-18 years Number of teams per school: 3 Simultaneous presentations by teams during the festival in the categories : Short film (documentary / fiction) Songs/ Karaoke PowerPoint/ YouTube Painting / Drawing / Photography Theatre Activities / Games / Quizzes
Domains: Go Green: Innovation/ Environment 7. Cuisine Medicine 8. Media(films, songs) Engineering 9. Music Writing/ Literature 10. Theatre Architecture/ Heritage 11. Sports Transport (Public, civil and defense) 12. Famous personalities
Our support Digital Tools. Links to the sites that can help students. The access to the sites free of copyright, where students can download posters, videos and other items. The presence of the representatives of the French network in the major institutions of their city at the time of the inauguration of the day. Inform the press and the media.