1st Grade Phonics Test Review
Which word spells the picture? bug beg bag
Sorry! Try again! Back
You’re a superstar!
Which word spells the picture? bell ball bull
Keep trying! Back
Your one smart cookie!
Which word spells the picture? bet bat but
Sorry! Try again! Back
What letter goes in the blank? h___t a e i o u
Keep trying! Back
Super Job!
What letter goes in the blank? p___g a e i o u
Keep trying! Back
You’re a superstar!
What letter goes in the blank? d___g a e i o u
Sorry! Try again! Back
Hats off to you!
What letter goes in the blank? a e i o u
Think again! Back
You’re one bright light!
What letter goes in the blank? a e i o u
Sorry! Try again! Back
Way to go!
Which word says the picture? bik bike
If at first you don’t succeed-try, try again! Back
You’re one smart cookie!
Which word says the picture? bite bit
Think again! Back
You’re one lucky duck!
Which word says the picture? bon bone
You’re an unlucky duck! Back
You’re one bright bulb!
Which word says the picture? rak rake
Sorry! Try again! Back
Hats off to you!
Which word says the picture? cube cub
Sorry! Back
Fill in the missing letters c____k____ a e
Fill in the missing letters. k___t___ i e
Fill in the missing letters h___m____ o e
Fill in the missing letters t___b___ e u
Which word begins with the sh sound?
Think again! Back
You are as good as gold!
Which word begins with the ch sound?
You better try again! Back
Which begins with the wh sound?
You’re as lucky as a leprechaun!
Which begins with the th sound?
Stop and think! Back
Hats off to you!
What sound do you hear at the end? i e
Keep thinking! Back
You’re one bright light!
What sound to you hear at the end? i e
Use that brain! Back
Way to go!
Circle the correct spelling of the word. fli fly flu
You are… an unlucky duck! Back
You’re as good as gold!
Circle the correct spelling of the word. bunny bunne bunni
Sorry! Back
You’re one smart cookie!
What do you hear in the middle? or ar ir
Thumbs down! Back
You’re awesome!
What do you hear in the middle? or ar ir
Sorry! Back
What do you hear at the end? or er ar
Try again! Back
What do you hear in the middle? or ur
Thumbs down! Back
Thumbs up!
What do you hear in the middle? or ir
Thumbs down! Back
You’re out of this world!
In which word do you hear the or sound?
Sorry! Back
You’re one bright bulb!
In which word do you hear the ir sound?
Try again! Back
You are…. correct!
In which word do you hear the ar sound?
Try again! Back
You’re super!
In which word do you hear the er sound?
Try again! Back
You’re out of this world!
In which word do you hear the ur sound?
Give it another try! Back
You are… correct!
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___anket bl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ick br
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ashlight fl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ess dr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___own cl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ib cr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ue gl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___own fr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ ate pl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ill gr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ate sk
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? sn
What three letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ____awberry str
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ain tr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___op st
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ace sp
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___esent pr
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___ide sl
What two letters make up the blend you hear at the beginning? ___een qu
Which begins with the qu blend?
Which begins with the cl blend?
Keep your chin up! Back
Which begins with the br blend?
Try again! Back
Way to go!
Which begins with the cr blend?
Thumbs down! Back
You’re right!
Which begins with the pl blend?
Way to go!
Which begins with the gr blend?
No! Back
Which begins with the pr blend?
Try again! Back
That was a great answer!
Which begins with the tr blend?
Try again! Back
That was a great answer!
Which begins with the sl blend?
Which begins with the st blend?
Try again! Back
Let's party!
Which begins with the sn blend?
Sorry! Back
You're right!
Which begins with the sk blend?
Which begins with the str blend?
Think Again Back
Let's party!
Which begins with the sp blend?
No way! Back
Which begins with the bl blend?
Think again! Back
Which begins with the fl blend?
Sorry! Back
Which word names the picture? fit fight
Which word names the picture? caw cow
Which word names the picture? book bok
Which word names the picture? hoose house
Which word names the picture? tooth toath
Which word names the picture? blow bla
In which word to you hear the ow sound?
In which word to you hear the oo sound?
In which word to you hear the ou sound?
In which word to you hear the ow sound?
In which word to you hear the igh sound?
In which word to you hear the oo sound like in took?
The End!