Somerset Academy Miramar SAC and Title 1 Meeting December 7, 2011
Agenda Welcome Mrs. Jennifer Castillo Welcome Mrs. Jennifer Castillo School Updates Fundraisers Book fair 1st Session of FCAT Tutoring 10/17/11-12/5/11 2nd Session of FCAT Tutoring to begin 1/23/12 BAT 1 Scores Review SIP (School Improvement Plan) Goals FCAT Money Future Meeting Dates All Meetings will be held at 6:00 PM in the Media Center February 1, 2012 May 2, 2012 Adjourn
Fundraisers Funds that are raised pay for several programs. For instance, Student of the Month, Honor Certificates, Science & History Fair, Career Day, FCAT Pep Rally, Spelling Bee, Athletics, Carnival, Graduations, SGA, Honor Society, Math-A-Thon. Ice Cream Sales go towards athletics Pizza Sales Donut Sales Book Fair (next event commences Feb. 21-24) Chocolate Chip Cookies Sales Spirit & PE T-Shirts Sales Fall Fundraiser Holiday Shop (Kick off on Dec 5) Dress Down Day (funds are also donated to non-profit organizations, Ready for Life, Breast Cancer Awareness, St. Jude Research Hospital etc.)
FCAT Tutoring 1st tutoring session took place from 10/17/11-12/5/11 for Reading, Math & Science in grades 3rd-8th. 2nd tutoring session will commence 1/23/11 for Reading, Math & Science in grades 3rd-8th.
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 136 BAT 1 Scores 3rd Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 136 Reading Math Proficient Non- Proficient Non-Proficient 68% 32% 71% 29%
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 156 BAT 1 Scores 4th Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 156 Reading Math Proficient Non- Proficient Non-Proficient 73% 27% 76% 24%
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 110 BAT 1 Scores 5th Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 110 Reading Math Science Proficient Non- Proficient Non-Proficient Non- 75% 25% 70% 30% 57% 43%
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 142 BAT 1 Scores 6th Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 142 Reading Math Proficient Non-Proficient 71% 29% 56% 44%
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 113 BAT 1 Scores 7th Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 113 Reading Math Proficient Non- Proficient Non-Proficient 67% 33% 63% 37%
TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 95 BAT 1 Scores 8th Grade TOTAL STUDENTS TESTED: 95 Reading Math Science Proficient Non- Proficient Non-Proficient Non- 52% 48% 80% 20% 38% 62%
FCAT Money A+ money are funds that are given by the state to schools who receive a school grade of A based on FCAT scores of the previous year. To date, the state has yet to release funds but most likely will be received in January 2012.
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Will be discussed by Mrs. McGhee in a follow-up power point presentation.
Future Meeting Dates February 1, 2012 May 2, 2012 All meetings will take place at 6:00 PM in the Media Center