Softball Captain’s Meeting Spring 2017
Who Are You Talking To? Jonathan Elliott Brooke Cochran Ryan Marsh Assistant Director of Club and Intramural Sports Brooke Cochran Coordinator of Club and Intramural Sports Ryan Marsh Graduate Assistant of Intramural Sports Supervisors Red Polos on the courts They are there to help you!
Captain’s Expectations Attend this Captain’s Meeting to be eligible for playoffs Congrats, you’re already here! Next meeting is 3/15 Choose an appropriate team name We will change your name if we deem it inappropriate FILL YOUR ROSTER If you fail to do this by your first game you will be charged the Forfeit Fine
Captain’s Expectations Register your team on Fusion IM Serve as your team’s “voice” on the field/court Communicate with IM Sports Staff for various issues Forfeits Defaults Reschedules Etc. Serve as the news source for your team Sport Rules Policy and Procedure info Game information Playoff Draft General updates
Captain’s Expectations Talk to and ask questions of the officials and supervisors They are there to help you, but will not tolerate disrespect Verify score and sportsmanship at the end of every game Have Fun!
Fusion IM Register your team via “Member Services” on Make sure your roster has met the MINIMUM number of players to begin a game Softball Roster Minimum = 8 people Roster Max= 16 Use the filters on the side of the page to assist you in choosing your League and then your Division Leagues= Men’s D1, Men’s D2, Women’s etc. Divisions= MD1 Mon. 6:30pm, MD2 Sun. 5:30pm etc.
Defaults Defaults = GOOD Team receives a loss and sportsmanship is unaffected Telling IM Sports BEFORE your game that your team will not be able to attend Avoids the Forfeit Fine “DEFAULT” via Fusion IM Keep in mind….2 DEFAULTS = 1 FORFEIT and the Forfeit Fine
Forfeits Forfeits = BAD Team receives a loss, lower sportsmanship and must pay the $50 Forfeit Fine Forfeits can be but are not limited to: Not showing up for your game Not having the minimum number of players to begin a game Multiple technical fouls, unsportsmanlike penalties etc.
Sportsmanship 1-10 Scale Need an average of a 7.0 to be eligible for playoffs 8-10: Exceptional 7: Average 5-6: Below Average 3-4: Poor 0-2: Unacceptable
Rosters Two teams of 10 players Minimum of 8 required to begin a game CO-REC 5 males and 5 females 2 females must be in the infield AND outfield 1 female must be the pitcher OR catcher
Rosters- CoRec Co-Rec Shorthand Rule Playing with 9 5 males 4 females (automatic out) 5 females 4 males (automatic out) Playing with 8 4 males 4 females 3 males 5 females When a player arrives they can be added to the batting order
The Game Umpires will conduct a Captain’s Meeting 7 innings with a 55-minute time limit Winner will be declared based on whichever comes first, 7 innings or 55 minutes If an inning is started and then time expires the inning will still be played and completed Mercy Rule 20 or more runs at the conclusion of the 4th inning 12 or more runs at the conclusion of the 5th inning
Pitching One foot must be touching the pitching rubber AT ALL TIMES Must be underhand Once a pitcher has begun the pitching motion they must continue Pitch must be delivered between 6 and 12 feet Strike Zone= batter’s back shoulder to their front knee All other requirements must be met as well (6-12 feet, underhanded pitch etc.)
Batting Batting order MUST be followed and set before the beginning of the game ALL batters begin with a 1-1 count Extra Foul Rule After a batter has 2 strikes he/she is allowed 1 free foul ball The 2nd foul ball will be the 3rd strike
Baserunning NO STEALING Slide at your own risk Dangerous sliding will result in an automatic out COREC Any walk for a male batter will result in a 2 base award The next female batter has to option to walk or bat They must first notify the umpire Overthrow Rule If a fielder throws the ball past the “out of bounds” line, each runner will be awarded 2 bases from the last legally touched base