Intercompany Concepts SAMPro Security: Intercompany Concepts
Overview Intercompany model was introduced for general use in SAMPro version 8.2 Intercompany allows multiple Companies in a single database Users are Global and can work in any company Users do not have to either log off or switch securities to work in a different company Requires GL Entities on all transactions including Balance Sheet accounts Transactional entries involving multiple companies will automatically be made for each company in the General Ledger Jobs must be per company even if using same client/site Will require Data-Basics consulting and some existing data updates to move from a non-intercompany mode
SAMPro Setup Must have appropriate license file (vrgstry.cus) with Intercompany enabled Must create appropriate GL Accounts for each Company (Due To and Due From) Must set up Company and Security before enabling registry setting Must create and update appropriate GL Entities with Company– new “Balance Sheet” GL Entity needed for Company balance sheet transactions Must update all Locations and Jobs with appropriate Balance Sheet Entity Registry entry needed: sys-ffv-global-settings Setting Key: IntercompanyEnabled Setting Value: True
Security Viewer Need to create a separate security for each company
Securities vs. Companies Companies have to be set up You cannot have Companies without Securities You can have Securities without Companies When setting this up, HIGHLY recommend using a naming convention that distinguishes companies – i.e. Due to CO1, Due From CO1 on the GL tab
Scenario 1 – Global User In the Intercompany model, all records and Users are Global by default Global Users have access to all records (if allowed by the User Group specified in their User record) even if there is security on the record
Scenario 2 – User with Security Users with Security have access to all global records Users with Security only have access to tables with Security that match Users can have more than one security Users have a default security when logging in (there are instances where the default is global security)
Intercompany Security Users typically can work in any of the Companies. No switching securities and no function limit as to what the user can do. This security will automatically create the GL Entries of “Due To” and “Due From” for any intercompany transactions. Pros and Cons All transactions (especially journals) must have an associated GL Entity to tie back to the company. All users are Global Companies (View Company) are required to be created and filled in Must be aware of what company they are making a journal in and put in the appropriate entity Intercompany entries automatically made All balance sheet accounts will have entities
Security by Job A similar model is used for the “Global Call Center” concept. Users can take a call for any of their companies, but all accounting is done via security. Security comes from the job. Users in service are global (no security) – no Company ID Pros and Cons Allows the call center to have users that can take New Calls, create new jobs and do other Service-related actions to be able to work in multiple companies Purchase orders can be a problem if ordering to stock. This should only be done in a security. POs to jobs/work orders can be done in Global Can mark a Work Order as Ready to Invoice, but cannot invoice as a Global User. There are typically tables that are exempt from security such as Clients, Vendors, Sites, Inventory, etc. No automatic Intercompany GL entries
Complete Security All Jobs, Clients, Vendors, Sites, Inventory, etc. are specific to one single security Pros and Cons Easy to limit Users to one security Need unique IDs for everything across all securities – can be confusing if ID is in another company because of no duplicates No sharing of anything between securities such as Inventory, Vendors, Clients, Sites, etc.
Using Intercompany Resources You can easily utilize resources from other companies That could include labor or materials Company derived from Employee or Location (used in Transfer, PO or WO line) Example shows Company 1 using Company 2 employee on their job/work order
Results of using Intercompany The system will automatically make the appropriate entries if set up correctly Company 1 Debit COS Labor account Credit “Due To Company 2” Liability account Company 2 Debit “Due From Company 1” Asset Account Credit to a G&A Expense account
*Addendum* Overrides to Intercompany Even though all users are ‘Global’ they can be restricted from specified company information This is enabled via registry settings
Registry set as default for all users blocking access to company securities 3, 2, 9
Registry for those allowed access