Forests of Srokowo – Beavers kingdom. FOREST CHARACTERISTICS.
Forest district Srokowo include a big variation of flora and fauna Forest district Srokowo include a big variation of flora and fauna. Very rich soil, varied landform, lots of lakes, ponds and streams favors development and occurence of rare, protected species of plants and animals. Area of today forest district Srokowo lays on a territory of old Barcia. When foresters appeared in 1946 a district area Gierdawy was created. Forests included in district area is around 7000 ha. In october 1959 Forest District Gierdawy was included to Forest District Kętrzyn.
Soil and water conditions The soil was made during a baltic glaciation Soil and water conditions The soil was made during a baltic glaciation. Dominating types of soil in this area are clays 41%, peats, peaty silts and rots 23 %. Rest of the soil surface include river sands, mules etc. On the area of this forest district there are rivers escaping to Łyna. In teritorial scope there are also other lakes: Arklickie, Silec, Mój, Siersze, Mażańskie, Kwiedzińskie, Martiany, Tuchel, Świeta Lipka, Długie, Iławki, Wersminia i Guber.
Forest district srokowo perform the following functions Economic – 15126,67 ha Soil-protecting – 130,95 ha Water-protecting – 2411,73 ha Animal protecting – 143,26 ha. Economic divisions of the forest Special farm - 1429,74 ha Protection farm - 7083,66 ha Rustic farm - 625,28 ha Reconstruction farm - 262,44ha
Forests of Srokowo – Beavers Kingdom
European beaver was once close to extinction European beaver was once close to extinction. Amount of beavers was not more than few hundred. Population of beavers in 2015 was around 100 thousand. In administrative range of forest district Srokowo (1110 km2) there are around 1500 beavers. Population of beavers in area around Srokowo is around 15% of all animals. In forests around Srokowo the density of beavers is 14 times bigger than average density in Poland.
The density of beavers have an important impact on a forest ecosytem causing damages to forest stands in amount of 1165 ha.
Forests against region Forests against region. Northern part is more varied due to bigger rainfalls and more fertile soils with glacial origin. In this part boron habitat dominate.. Southern part of this region feature plants typical for terrains that was once in a pool of glacial waters. Dominating species of trees are birch-tree and pine – species with low soil richness needs.
Forests in Poland. In Poland forests takes 29,2% of total surface of the country. In our country forests grow on the least rich soil, due to expansions of agriculture. Pine grows in lowlands area of Poland. It grows on 64,3% of forests surface. Sprouce prevails in mountains (west), sprouce and beech (east). This kind of forests are weak on climatic factors.
In polish forest more and more common are oaks, ashes, maples, sycamores, elms, birch-trees, beeches, alders, poplars, hornbeams, aspen, linden and willows. In our forests trees are around 40-80 years old. Avarage age of forests is 60 years. There are more and more big trees which are older than 80 years.
Prezentation made by: Michał Wiszomirski Przemysław Piłat Emila Kubicka