Student change and learning: what counts as evidence? And it is really doing research together because we do not know the answers - your ideas are as good as ours Summer Residential June 2008
Rationale for this session… RECME Summer residential Rationale for this session… We have asked ‘What is students’ learning?’ We have asked ‘What is evidence of students’ learning? What factors influence this? We are getting nice ideas BUT they are vague and general. Mention els’ example of low attaining network for identification and exemplification In this session we want to work with you on refining this and finding some specific examples.
The evidence so far… Examples refer to: Attainment RECME Summer residential The evidence so far… Examples refer to: Attainment Classroom mood and behaviour Enjoyment Motivation Confidence Collaboration Discussion Pupil contribution Perseverance
The evidence so far…Attainment RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Attainment This has improved their attainments in real terms in my college for this particular course in maths.
The evidence so far…Classroom mood and behaviour RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Classroom mood and behaviour The mood in the classroom seems to have changed for the better Students on the whole enjoy their maths lessons more which means they are better behaved and more attentive. Behaviour – more settled, Misbehaviour is gradually reduced
The evidence so far…Enjoyment RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Enjoyment They enjoy their sessions more My class love numeracy! They enjoy and develop their numeracy skills within a playful, practical and challenging environment. All the pupils in my class really enjoy maths. Students and myself find it much more enjoyable
The evidence so far…Motivation RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Motivation Students are keen to progress to the next level and want to know how to do it! They will be much more focused on the work that they tackle. They show a desire to learn and show a confidence in knowing I will help them get there. I feel that some pupils are more interested in marking down their thinking.
The evidence so far…Confidence RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Confidence Some pupils feel more confident about trying things out, mathematically. Learners are more confident as I become more confident They show a desire to learn and show a confidence in knowing I will help them get there Students have greater interest and confidence
The evidence so far…Collaboration RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Collaboration Early days but more collaborative learning taking place- discussion and helping each other The children work together more co-operatively More relaxed, less competitive, more collaborative More willing to have ongoing/shared investigations
The evidence so far…Discussion RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Discussion Students’ confidence in discussion has improved but also their appreciation that they need to think before they speak in some cases. I am still working on the latter point! I have always facilitated discussion but perhaps at times I have achieved greater fluidity within the group regarding the free flow of ideas e.g. I enabled and documented a discussion regarding ‘Is 0 a number?’ where most of the group participated Students are more prepared to engage in deeper mathematical discussion with me
The evidence so far… Pupil contribution RECME Summer residential The evidence so far… Pupil contribution Children tend to ask more questions. More willing to ask questions. The children have really made the biggest leap in terms of their interaction with one another. They learn from one another more, they watch, observe and turn take better. They take on what other children discover and use those skills. They feel they get more chance to express their own thoughts and views.
The evidence so far…Perseverance RECME Summer residential The evidence so far…Perseverance A willingness to contribute to group discussions, to share methods with other learners and to tackle problems in small groups/ pairs rather than just saying that they can’t do it. Children have learnt to persevere rather than abandon a difficult task. The children now see themselves as being mathematicians.
Template for responses RECME Summer residential Template for responses Placing in specific and recent experience e.g. I notice that my students now… An account of Telling the story of what happened and what you observed. What did you do? How did the students respond? Account for Why do you think this happened? How does it relate to the CPD?
RECME Summer residential Delving deeper Working in pairs - play devil’s advocate to each other and probe your accounts for reasons and evidence Why does this lead to student learning? How do you know this? Are the students’ better at learning mathematics? How do you know? Are the students’ showing better learning behaviour? Is it mathematical behaviour?
RECME Summer residential Getting to work Divide into pairs and work with someone from the same phase Organisers separate apart from teacher/organisers working in their own schools Complete the writing frame and interrogate one another to ensure your accounts are robust