Mango Street Wrap Up
Review: What makes a character a foil?
Who was the Protagonist in the clip, and who was that character’s foil?
What qualities in the Main character were made more apparent due to the use of the foil?
Find a partner right now and summarize the readings from last night: “Bums in the Attic” “The Three Sisters” “Alicia and I Talking on Edna’s Steps”
What qualities did you identify Yesterday (when we compared Esperanza to Sally) are present in these stories?
What characters from Greek Mythology could you compare those three sisters to? Why?
Why are Alicia and Esperanza laughing on the steps Why are Alicia and Esperanza laughing on the steps? What does this tell you about Mango Street?
Silently Read (independently) “A House of My Own” and “Mango Street Says Goodbye Sometimes” After you finish, answer in a journal entry: How has Esperanza changed over the course of the book? Consider the experiences and relationships that shaped her as well as the personality traits she has always had. What is your opinion of her by the end?
Mango Street Test Friday It will be thirty summative points Three short answer questions
What you’ll Need to Know: How Esperanza has changed over the course of the book, and how she has remained the same. You will need to explain at least one experience from Esperanza’s life that has shaped the way she sees the world around her, the people around her, or herself. You will need to use at least one story to explain how the people of Mango Street reflect the experience of Latino Immigrants who come to America seeking the American Dream.
Create Questions: What is unclear about the story? With your table group, come up with one question that you think would benefit everyone if we discussed it tomorrow—it will shape our class and our review. Place your group’s question with your names on it on the podium before you leave.
Homework: Look through the chapter titles and reread the five stories that felt most unclear to you on your first time through, and write a brief summary (three sentences) for each.