General Comments In a presentation, you are telling a story Make the story short and succinct with only the minimum amount of material to make the story complete Is your story understandable without a speaker? Use color, different font sizes and graphics to bring your story alive, but avoid light colors on light backgrounds Always practice your presentation - know your slides “inside and out”!! Never read your slides verbatim! Rule-of-thumb: one slide a minute requires some fast talking
Title of Presentation Names of Lab Partners Title slide
Overview Objective Background Theory Experimental Setup Experimental Procedure Results Uncertainty Analysis Conclusions Overview slide
Objectives Include only key objectives Explain objectives to audience rather than reading them Be sure each objective is addressed in the results and conclusion slides You will be judged on how well you have met the objectives Objectives slide
Background Orient your audience to the problem Establish a common level of understanding Remember the technical level of your audience Background slide
Theory Summarize key equations and concepts Define variables that are not obvious to the audience Theory slide
Experimental setup slide Describe the experimental apparatus including the instrumentation used and the uncertainty associated with each instrument Use sketches and/or drawings of the setup Experimental setup slide
Experimental Procedure Briefly describe the experimental procedure either by listing the steps, or using a flow-chart Experimental Procedure slide
Experimental Results slide Use plots and tables to present your results Plots must be clear and appropriately labeled with a title and legend All experimental data must be shown with error bars Do not present raw data, only present data relevant to the objectives of the experiment Experimental Results slide
Experimental Results (cont.) Explain each plot by pointing out to the audience the important features of the data Explain how your results meet the objectives of the experiment Experimental Results slide
Uncertainty Analysis slide Summarize your uncertainty analysis Assess the main sources of error in your data Uncertainty Analysis slide
Conclusions Summarize key conclusions Link conclusions to the objectives of the experiment Conclusions slide