CLASSE 3B SCUOLA COPPINO Anno Scolastico 2009/2010 Comenius Project The Pupils make a theatre and describe an old legend about Turin. Class 3B, Coppino School Teacher Involved: Zonni Luisa CLASSE 3B SCUOLA COPPINO Anno Scolastico 2009/2010
Key competences Didactical Aims: Improve lIstening skills concerning a legend; Encourage and make analysis test and images; Offer an experience to realize sceneries; Be able to put in the right sequencies the events of a story; Be able to tell a story; Offer the possibility to know more about native legends; Underline and learning of the key-words in a foreign language written test; Learning with curiosity and creatively having fun. Encourage the cooperative work and learning. How teachers and pupils realized the activities: Making posters, using materials to cut, using papers and glue to built sceneries, making photos. Reached Aims: Increasing of the linguistic skills; Improvement of self-assessment; Increasing of the use new technologies (computer and camera); Increasing the cooperation about pupils who worked in small groups; Developing of pupils’ sense of imagination.
The p upils make a theatre and describe an old legend about Turin Sceneries realised by the pupils
Once upon a time there was a small village near a big wood. An horrible dragon with many heads lived there. It was very dangerous to pass there . One day the mayor asked his counsellors to solve this problem, so they promised a rich prize for the best idea.
A young farmer said: “ I have a very strong bull, I can make him drunk and then he will fight against the dragon!”. And so he did: the bull killed the monster and the village was saved. The mayor called the village TORINO because in Italian language TORO means bull.
The end The Pupils of Class 3B