How does World War I become a total war? 29.3 Global Conflict How does World War I become a total war?
1) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 1915: German U-boat sinks the passenger ship Lusitania Germans claim there were weapons being carried on the ship True! But the Germans killed 1,260 civilians, incl. 128 Americans US President Woodrow Wilson warns Germans – Germany backs off 1917: Germany losing war, brings back unrestricted sub warfare Germany sinks three US ships near Britain Wilson warns Germans again
2) Zimmermann Note British spies intercept a telegram from Germany to Mexico The note tells Mexico that if they invade the US, Germany will help Could allow Mexico to get back lost territory Germany trying to keep US out of European war
We must defend Democracy 3) US Declares War! Zimmermann note is the “final straw” for the US President Wilson asks Congress to declare war! April 6th, 1917 – Congress declares war Easy choice: US loaning money to Allies plus close ties to Britain & France We must defend Democracy US must use propaganda to convince American public the war is necessary
8)United States enters the war in 1917 on the side of the Allies. 1)Main fighting of the war occurs in Europe on Western & Eastern fronts 2)Gallipoli Campaign in Turkey. Arab Nationalists fight against Ottoman Empire in Middle East 7)Canada & Ireland join Britain 8)United States enters the war in 1917 on the side of the Allies. 4)Japan declares war on Germany & takes German possessions in China & the Pacific. 5)India provides 1.3 million men to help British on W. Front 9)Brazil is the only South American country involved in war, supplies troops and ships to Allies 6)European colonies in Africa become a battlefield as each strikes the other’s possessions. 3)Both Australia & New Zealand send troops to help in Gallipoli Campaign & later the W. Front
A Total War WW I starts affecting all citizens of the world To pay for the war, countries issue war bonds (I.O.U’s to gov) gov’ts told factories to produce only war munitions and every citizen was put to work, esp. women, building weapons in factories Many women went out to the front to serve as nurses Countries start devoting all resources to the war & must ration goods when supplies are low To rally citizens & colonies propaganda was widely used 1918: Flu Pandemic (Spanish Flu) kills 20 million
Analyzing Propaganda Identify animate/inanimate objects used Tools used Easy to interpret, Memorable, Dramatic Intended Audience Gov’t purpose