Deforestation, Reforestation, And Forestation By Mikaela, Abby, Trevor, WIll, and Chris
What is the difference between forestation and reforestation? What is forestation? Forestation is where the trees grow on their own without the help of humans What is the difference between forestation and reforestation? The difference between forestation and reforestation are that reforestation are trees planted by humans while forestation is trees growing on their own. There is now a law saying that the trees that are cut down must be replanted.
Deforestation Deforestation is where you remove a wide spread of trees to open up spaces for new things. What does deforestation cause? Deforestation results to dams, disruption in the water cycle, and soil erosion. You must have a permit to cut trees. If you don't it's illegal.
Mount Saint Helens, Reforestation Mt. Saint Helens is a prime example of reforestation. During the eruption millions of trees were knocked out down. To the date 22 million trees have been planted to reforest more than 14,000 acres of Mt. Saint Helens National Forest land. The survival of the planted trees was above 70 percent.
Of what importance are forests to local and worldwide communities? Some of the importance of forests are that the trees provide oxygen for us to live. The forest also provides homes for many animals. Forests are also sacred to some people. Tourists go there.
What products do forests provide? Forests provide many products such as furniture, poles, fences, floor tiles, paper and toothpaste. One local forest product in the Pacific Northwest is pulpwood.
How can we still have those products but preserve our forests at the same time? We can replant the trees that we've cut down. We can also not remove all the trees from one area.
As you look out your window do you see forests? Remains of forests? When you look out the window today we can only see the remains of forests because most of the trees around us have been cut down to build houses or other infrastructure.
Imagine: if you looked out the same window 500 years ago, how would the forest landscape different from what it is now? The forest landscape would be different because there would only be trees and animals roaming around instead of people, buildings, cars, and roads.
Bibliography Right hand photo on pg2, Chris Pohlmann, student Left hand photo on pg5, Chris Pohlmann, student