Course development 2016 Project Implementation Curriculum Services Department of Education
Course Writing Process Pre consultation with teachers across state – regional forums August Teachers approached for input in to courses (representing gov. and non gov. sectors) Required Stakeholder consultation Pre course writing consultation report Course developed by CTL in consultation with teachers and with input from critical friends, late August to October
And then….. LAG group reviews and endorses courses Course revisions made if required Teacher consultation on final course draft Submission to TASC Revisions made for accreditation Accreditation Draft available for comment Year 11 & 12 Website
What is mandated? Courses must address and rectify issues described in the TASC course Analysis Summary Appropriate stakeholders including those identified in the Course Analysis must be consulted There must be parity with another state at the appropriate level if a course exists in this area. In the case of Project Implementation there is no equivalent course but projects are a component of many vocational courses in other jurisdictions
First of all : What does TASC have to say? So…where do we start? First of all : What does TASC have to say?
From a TASC perspective there are no significant concerns with the course as it is. ‘The full nature and extent of the work/outcomes required on replacement courses is not known at this stage. That will become clearer once stakeholder consultation has been undertaken
What happens in other states? Victoria: Offer VCAL which has a component of project work Focus on applied learning and contains integrated projects and activities Unit 2 – foundation, intermediate and senior level contains outcomes directly linking to project implementation: Plan organise and manage a project or work related activity Work in a team to complete a project or work related activity Use ICT in relation to a project or work related activity Demonstrate initiative and enterprise in a work related context
What happens in other states? New South Wales: Work Studies – Stage 6 (Year 12) – option 15- 30 hours Students apply initiative, enterprise, and teamwork skills in the completion of a group project. It is meant to replicate situations that are likely to occur in the workplace. Outcomes: Examine different types of work and skills for employment Communicates and uses technology effectively Applies self management and teamwork skills Utitilises strategies to plan, organise and solve problems Assesses influences on peoples working lives Evaluates personal and social influences on individuals and groups Focuses on The project proposal Project implementation Project evaluation Project presentation
What happens in other states? South Australia: The SA syllabus is structured to Stage 1 (yr 11/foundation equivalent) and Stage 2 (yr 12/ pre-tertiary course equivalent) Stage 1: Workplace Practices includes 3 areas of study Area of Study 1: Industry and Work Knowledge Area of study 2: Vocational Learning May include Student business, enterprise or project Voluntary participation in a project Events coordination or management Area of Study 3: VET
What happens in other states? Western Australia: Career and Enterprise year 11 Career and Enterprise year 12 Focus is on individuals becoming enterprising career mangers who engage in lifelong learning. Focus in being enterprising
What is happening in Australian Curriculum K -10 Work Studies years 9 and 10 6 focus areas – 1 focus area is entrepreneurial behaviours Practise entrepreneurial skills and attributes and propose actions in response to identified work and community challenges 6 options – include a school – industry cooperative project Cross cultural enterprise School developed option which can include a project General capabilities Critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability
What is happening Globally Project Based Learning – Buck Institute Education USA Makes school more engaging for students Improves learning Builds skills for further education, career and life Provides opportunities for students to use technology Makes teaching more enjoyable and rewarding Connects students and schools with communities and the real world Project Management Institute Education Foundation Toolkit for teachers
Applied Learning Approach that emphasises the relevance of’ what is being learnt to the ‘real world outside the classroom Partnerships and connections with organisations and individuals outside the classroom Concerned with nurturing and working with a student in a holistic manner which takes into account their personal strengths, interests, goals and previous experiences VCAA, 2014, VCAL Information Sheet: Applied Learning
Where do we want to go? What do we want students to know do and understand? What are we preparing them for? What is the current context they are faced with (environmentally, socially, technologically, academically and career wise)? Are we meeting the needs they will have when they leave us? What is current best practice and how can we ensure student have access to that sort of program? Are we catering for student needs at appropriate levels?
Here is your chance…….. We know the courses have to be redone, we know they cannot be the same – they must evolve, change, develop to incorporate changing needs in education, new curriculum developments and to meet the needs of learners in an ever changing environment. Here is your chance to shape something, so be brave, think outside the square, be excited and lets try and make some courses that you can be enthused to teach and that creates great opportunities for students….