Common Core “Shifts” in ELA / Literacy


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core “Shifts” in ELA / Literacy 3rd Grade ELA Learning Objective: We will identify the meaning of prefixes. Focus Standard: 3.RF.3a Identify and know the meaning of the most common prefixes and derivational suffixes. Support Standard: Prerequisite(s): 2.RF.3d Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. 2.L.4b Determine the meaning of a new word formed when a known prefix is added to a known word. Manipulative(s): Special Instructions: The literal decomposed definition may require further elaboration from the teacher in some situations. For example, in the word defrost, de means away so a literal definition is frost away. Further elaboration may be as follows “if frost goes away, then he is warming up”. Vocabulary Academic: identify, modifies, determine Content: prefix Support: Common Core “Shifts” in ELA / Literacy Shift 1 K-5, Balancing Informational & Literary Texts Shift 2 6-12, Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Shift 3 Staircase of Complexity Shift 4 Text-based Answers Shift 5 Writing from Sources Shift 6 Academic Vocabulary READY TO TEACHSM EDI ® Lessons ©2013 All rights reserved. EDI Lesson Overview

We will identify1 the meaning of prefixes. Learning Objective We will identify1 the meaning of prefixes. What are we going to do? What does identify mean? Identify means __________. CFU Activate Prior Knowledge Underline the difference between these two words: unlocked locked Underline the difference between these two words: happy unhappy Students, you already know that the group of letters at the beginning of the word changes its meaning. These groups of letters are called prefixes. Now, we will identify the meaning of prefixes. Make Connection 1 find Vocabulary

Identify the meaning of prefixes. Concept Development A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. A prefix has a meaning of its own. The prefix modifies2 the meaning of a word the same or almost the same way each time it is used. Identify the meaning of prefixes. Why is the “re” in rest not a prefix? Explain your answer. Which word has a prefix? Which word does not have a prefix? Explain your answer. A ready B retry In your own words, what is a prefix? A prefix is ________. CFU Prefix + Word Prefix Meaning Meaning of Word Sentence reuse re- means “again” use again Please reuse your paper bag when you go shopping. redo do again I had to redo my homework because I spilled water on it. rebuild build again We had to rebuild our house after the tornado ruined it. retry try again Will you retry solving the math problem? Not examples of prefixes: The letter group “re” in ready is not a prefix because ady is not a word. The letter group “re” in rest is not a prefix. 2 changes (synonym) Vocabulary

Prefix and Word Meaning Skill Development/Guided Practice A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine3 the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a How did I/you identify the prefix? How did I/you determine the meaning of the word? CFU 3 1a Prefix meanings Sample Words re- again rewrite, rebuild, restate, retry pre- before precook, pregame, prewash, pretest un- not unhappy, undone, unreal, unsure dis- dislike, disagree, disappear, displease Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. We will repaint the baby’s room blue. ___means______ Repaint means _________. 2. I have to rewrite my book report. Rewrite means _________. 3. To save time, preheat the oven. Preheat means _________. 4. We saw the preview before the movie. Preview means _________. re again paint again re again write again pre before heat before 3 figure out Vocabulary pre before view before

Prefix and Word Meaning Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a How did I/you identify the prefix? How did I/you determine the meaning of the word? CFU 3 1a Prefix meanings Sample Words re- again rewrite, rebuild, restate, retry pre- before precook, pregame, prewash, pretest un- not unhappy, undone, unreal, unsure dis- dislike, disagree, disappear, displease Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 5. The silly story was untrue. ___means______ Untrue means _________. 6. I’m unsure what time the game starts. Unsure means _________. 7. I distrust my cat when she is outside. Distrust means _________. 8. Do you disagree with my answer? Disagree means ________. un not not true un not not sure dis not not trust dis not not agree

Prefix and Word Meaning Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a How did I/you identify the prefix? How did I/you determine the meaning of the word? CFU 3 1a Prefix meanings Sample Words inter- between international, interstate, interact, intercom over- too much, above oversized, overloaded, overeat, overthrow de- down, away depress, defrost, decompose, derail in-, im-, il- not improper, illegal, impossible, inaction Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 9. We drove on the interstate highway. ______means______ Interstate means ____________. 10. The spaceship was on an interplanetary trip. Interplanetary means_____________. 11. The car was overloaded with people. ______means________ Overloaded means _________. 12. The runner scored on an overthrow to home. Overthrow means __________. inter between between states inter between between planets over too much loaded too much over above throw above

Prefix and Word Meaning Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a How did I/you identify the prefix? How did I/you determine the meaning of the word? CFU 3 1a Prefix meanings Sample Words inter- between international, interstate, interact, intercom over- too much, above oversized, overloaded, overeat, overthrow de- down, away depress, defrost, decompose, derail in-, im-, il- not improper, illegal, impossible, inaction Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 13. You must depress the button to turn it on. ___means______ Depress means _________. 14. The ski jumper had to defrost his cold hands. Defrost means _________. 15. It is impossible to win the game now. Impossible means _________. 16. Riding in a car without a seatbelt is illegal. Illegal means ________. de down press down de away frost away im not not possible il not not legal

Select the correct prefixes to complete the story below. (circle) Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) How did I/you determine what the question or prompt is asking? How did I/you determine the ELA concept required? How did I/you determine the relevant information? How did I/you answer the question? How did I/you determine if all parts of the question have been answered? CFU 2 1 3 4 5 Select the correct prefixes to complete the story below. (circle) The Championship Game Coach watched as the Tigers baseball team ran onto the field for a (pre/inter)game warm-up. The stadium was really crowded. Coach knew the team did not want to (dis/re)please the fans by losing tonight’s game against the Bears. The game got off to quick start, but by the 8th inning the Tigers were behind by one run. Coach wondered if a win tonight would be (im/un)possible. When the last batter approached the plate the (over/un)happy Tigers had a runner on first base and hoped for a miracle. The pitcher threw the ball and the batter hit it over the outfield fence! The Tigers scored the winning run! The fans were (over/inter)joyed! The sound of cheering filled the stadium. Winning the championship game seemed (pre/un)real! Coach and the Tigers were ready to celebrate!

Relevance A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. 1 Identifying the meaning of prefixes will help you read and understand long and complex words. review; disbelieve; preregister; unfriendly 2 Identifying the meaning of prefixes will help you do well on tests. Sample Test Question: By knowing the prefix in the word, preview, you can determine that it means: A to view again B to view before C to not view D to view between Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to identify the meaning of prefixes? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to identify the meaning of prefixes? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU

Prefix and Word Meaning A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Skill Closure Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a Prefix Meanings Sample Words re- again rewrite, rebuild, restate, retry un- not unhappy, undone, unreal, unsure Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. My battery needed to recharge. ___means______ Recharge means ___________. 2. The answer is unknown. Unknown means ___________. re again charge again un not not known Word Bank identify prefix meaning Access Common Core A remove B restart C really Jackie wrote a list of words with the prefix re-. Is her list correct? Explain your answer. “re” in really is not a prefix because ally is not a word. Summary Closure What did you learn today about identifying the meaning of prefixes? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank.

Prefix and Word Meaning Independent Practice A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a Prefix meanings Sample Words re- again rewrite, rebuild, restate, retry pre- before precook, pregame, prewash, pretest un- not unhappy, undone, unreal, unsure dis- dislike, disagree, disappear, displease Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. I have to reorder the pictures. ___means______ Reorder means __________. 2. The pieces of cake were unequal. Unequal means _________. 3. To save time, precook the meat. Precook means _________. 4. Do not disobey your parents. Disobey means _________. re again order again un not not equal pre before cook before dis not not obey

Prefix and Word Meaning Independent Practice (continued) A prefix is a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Read the sentence, paying attention to the bolded word. Identify the prefix. (underline) Identify the meaning of the prefix. (write) Hint: Use the chart. Determine the meaning of the word. (write) Read the sentence aloud and tell what it means. Identify the meaning of prefixes. 1 2 3 4 a Prefix meanings Sample Words de- down, away depress, defrost, decompose, derail in-, im-, il- not improper, illegal, impossible, inaction inter- between international, interstate, interact, intercom over- too much, above oversized, overloaded, overeat, overthrow Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 5. Ana overslept on her first day of school. _____means________ Overslept means ____________. 6. Dad had to debone the turkey after dinner. ___means______ Debone means _________. 7. Danny wrote to me with invisible ink. Invisible means __________. 8. Sal took an international flight to Mexico City. _____means______ International means ____________. over too much slept too much de away bone away in not not visible inter between between nations

Prefix and Word Meaning Periodic Review 1 Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. I reread my notes before the test. ___means_____ Reread means ________. 2. The team did pregame warm-ups. ___means_____ Pregame means _________. 3. The accident will disable him for life. Disable means ________. 4. The new furniture was unattractive. Unattractive means _____. Prefix meanings re- again pre- before un- not dis- re again read again pre before before a game dis not not able un not not attractive Access Common Core Which of the following words has a prefix? (circle) A really Yes No B unusual Yes No C dishes Yes No D preschool Yes No E unite Yes No F rest Yes No G illogical Yes No H preach Yes No

Prefix and Word Meaning Periodic Review 2 Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. Ludwig was impatient while waiting in line. ___means_____ Impatient means ________. 2. Tina was overjoyed to see her puppy again. ______means_____ Overjoyed means _________. Prefix meanings im-, in-, il- not over- too much, above im not not patient over above above joy Access Common Core Is the bolded word used correctly? Erin said she was resure if she would catch or drop the baseball. Used correctly? Yes No If no, what’s correct? _______________ unsure Maya said her teacher wants her to diswrite her paper again. Used correctly? Yes No If no, what’s correct? _______________ rewrite Ellen said the haunted house was prereal. Used correctly? Yes No If no, what’s correct? _______________ unreal Jorge said he left two problems unanswered on his test. Used correctly? Yes No If no, what’s correct? _______________ Henry tells Juan about the reviews he saw before the long movie. Used correctly? Yes No If no, what’s correct? _______________

Prefix and Word Meaning Periodic Review 3 Sentence Prefix and Word Meaning 1. Presoak the shirt to get the stain out. ___means_____ Presoak means ________. 2. David acted very immature by talking loudly. ___means_____ Immature means _________. Prefix meanings pre- before im-, in-, il- not pre before soak before im not not mature Access Common Core Use your knowledge of prefixes to figure out the meaning of the bolded word. The teacher said she would prebake the cookies before class. Evelyn figured out that the word meant ___________________. bake before On TV, Adam heard a man say the game was unofficial. He figured out that the word meant _____________________. not official Maria heard a song titled “Restart my heart with love!” She figured out that the word meant ____________________. start again Daniel’s video game said cheats were disallowed. He figured out that the word meant ______________________. not allowed Matt heard the waitress say the food was precooked or uncooked. He figured out that the words meant ___________ and __________. cooked before not cooked

EDI – Cognitive, Teaching, and English Learner Strategies Learning Objective: We will identify the meaning of prefixes. Cognitive Strategies Teaching Strategies Elaboration Demonstration Language Strategies Targeted Vocabulary Academic identify, modifies, determine Content prefix Support Vocabulary Strategy Multiple-Meaning Synonym modifies Definition identify, determine, prefix Homophone Internal Context Clue Listen, Speak Similar Sounds Read Tracked Reading Write Writing Content Access Strategies Comprehensible Input Cognates Contextual Clues Graphic Organizer Contextualized Definitions Pictures