Welcome to Kindergarten! Where the ADVENTURE begins!!
Language Arts What does it include? Oral language Phonological awareness Alphabetic understanding Phonics Word knowledge/Word Work Listening comprehension
Reading What will we work on? Developing reading/comprehension strategies Songs, poems, big books Shared reading Reader’s Workshop
What will the kids be doing? Reading What will the kids be doing? Story maps Retellings Listening/thinking aloud Independent reading Guided reading groups Literacy Work Stations
Writing What does it include? * Shared writing/interactive writing * Writer’s Workshop * Language/grammar skills (capitalization, spacing, punctuation) * Kid writing
Writing What will we work on? Narrative writing Persuasive writing Expository writing Pattern books
Handwriting/Fine Motor What will the kids be doing? Cutting Tracing Pencil Grip Alignment (writing on a base line) Formation Starting letters at correct place (top to bottom) Writes first and last name correctly
Guided Math What does it include? * Numeracy Skills * Problem Solving (word problems) * Money * Patterns (identify, extend & create) * 2D and 3D Shapes * Measurement * Addition/Subtraction
Science What does it include? Experiments Science Lab Hands on experiences Earth science Life science
Customs and Traditions Social Studies What does it include? Learning About… Ourselves Our Community Our Country Our World Map Skills Customs and Traditions
Developmental Centers Writing Art Library Science Math Home Living Computers Blocks
Frequently Asked Questions:
What about homework?
Homework begins 3rd week of school! Read Every Day- “RED” folder Homework also includes practicing sight words at home
Birthdays · * Students may bring individual, store bought birthday treats. These will be shared during snack time. *Summer birthdays will be celebrated too! *We recommend cookies, doughnuts, fruit snacks, brownies, rice krispie treats. * No goodie bags, gifts, balloons, or invitations are allowed at school (or on the bus).
Transportation ** Changes of transportation will be allowed ONLY with written notification. If it changes during the day, please call the office by 2:00. ** Only walkers & bike riders have a rainy day plan. ** Please keep their transportation tag on their backpacks. ** Keep updated phone numbers in your child’s backpack. ** Do NOT email or call your teacher with a change of transportation.
Fieldtrips We will take 2-3 fieldtrips. Students will ride a bus to and from the fieldtrip. Parents may sign up as chaperones. A lottery system will choose the official chaperones that will ride the bus with the class and help supervise the students. All parents are welcome to meet us there.
** Pre-pay through My Payments Plus!! Lunch Tips ** Pre-pay through My Payments Plus!! ** If you send money, it must be in an envelope or baggie labeled with child’s first and last name and purpose. ** Lunch trays must have 3-5 items or you will be charged a la carte for each item. ** Ice cream is sold at an additional cost on Fridays. One ice cream per child only. Please discuss this with your child.
Lunch Visitors The RRE Café welcomes visitors! Please meet your child in the cafeteria. If you bring your child lunch, please refrain from bringing for others. You may not share any food with other children. Please allow your child to walk with their class back to their classroom. Please do not accompany your child back to the classroom. Please utilize the stroller parking outside the cafeteria.
Snacks & Drinks Students may bring one snack to school daily. All snacks should be healthy, finger friendly, and separate from lunch kit. Snacks cannot be shared or provided by the teacher. We are fortunate to have water fountains in the classrooms and by the restrooms, so we do not allow water bottles or other drinks in the classroom. **PLEASE write your child’s name on their snack daily.
Take Home Folders Take Home folders will be sent home daily. Inside the daily folders will be… Daily behavior charts Daily work/projects School information Notes from teacher **Please empty folder each night and initial the behavior chart!! .
Volunteer Opportunities Homeroom parent Workroom/Tuesday folders Take home projects Events Library/ classroom readers Lunch We LOVE our volunteers!!!
Helpful Hints and Reminders ** Bring a backpack to school daily (no rolling backpacks) ** Wear tennis shoes daily! ** Label EVERYTHING! (coats, lunch kits, backpacks, etc.) ** If your child is absent, call the office at 281-237-8300. Do not call or email your child’s teacher. ** Put a complete change of clothes in a large baggie to keep in your child’s backpack. .
Any Questions? .