Creativity at YCS
Benefits of Creativity Develops & Strengthens Gross And Fine Motor Skills Helps Children Express And Cope With Feelings Stimulates Brain Development Increases Self Esteem Encourages Innovative Thinking Develops Sense Of Identity Crucial For Future Success Helps Children Learn – Sensory Engagement
Qualities of a Learning Child Ability to play Works over time on something/caring about an on-going project Exhibits confidence as a learner Works attentively Identifies with learning/ connects something new with own experiences Perseveres Has a sense of self as powerful Can learn from others and with others Connects with others Exhibits self-control Ability to explore Asks questions Sorts, categorizes, sees patterns, sequential relationships, and parts
How YCS Supports Creativity “The Specials” Enrichment Programs Teacher Workshops School-wide Creative Projects
Creativity at Home Provide A Blank Canvas With Available Pages And Materials Designate A Space And Save Some Recyclables Display Your Children’s Artwork Tape and Cardboard aren’t messy! Homemade Play-doh Snow Globes Treasure Chests Time Space Materials Permission
“Tell Me About This.”
Now What? “The Creator’s Workshop” Facebook Page