Tuition / Capital Projects and Facility Fee Proposals Tuition / Fee Hearings 2.21.17
Funding Relative to Idaho 4-Year Institutions If Boise State received the same per student funding as the other universities… UI ISU Funding per FTE Student $9,219 $7,398 Less: BSU Funding per FTE student $5,634 BSU Funding Gap per FTE student $3,585 $1,764 Times: # of BSU FTE students 15,954 BSU Additional General State Appropriation $57,195,090 $28,142,856
Idaho Tuition Rates 2016-17 Tuition Boise State $4,872.26 Idaho State $5,242.64 University of Idaho $5,162.32 Lewis Clark State College $5,100.00
Historical Tuition Increases 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Proposed Full-Time Per Semester Tuition $2,154.60 $2,310.25 $2,384.10 $2,436.13 $2,557.93 % Increase 8.0% 7.2% 3.2% 2.2% 5.0%
Short-Term Financial Pressures Tuition CEC Benefit Rate Increases Inflationary Increases Capital Equipment Replacement Deferred Maintenance / Emergency Repairs Compliance Requirements SBOE Expectations, including financial ratios Structural Imbalance / Prior Year Commitments Drop in International Student Enrollment
Tuition Revenue Projected Tuition Revenue $3,608,447 Benefit Rate Increases $653,800 3% CEC Tuition Share $1,908,600 Total Cost of CEC %2,562,400 Balance to Address Short-Term Financial Pressures $1,046,047
Capital Projects and Facilities Fee
Capital Projects and Facility Fee 2016-17 2017-18 Requested 2018-19 Projected 2019-20 Projected Full-Time Per Semester Fee $598.30 $638.30 $678.30 $718.30 Requested increase will fund debt payments on bonds to be issued for construction of the Material Science Engineering Building. Current plan is to request a $40 per semester increase each of the next 3 years. Facility fee funded expenses include debt service on bonds, real estate purchases in the expansion zone which occur as opportunities present themselves. Extra reserves are used to buy down debt at the time of issuance, as well as for opportunities such as the purchase of the city center plaza condominium to house the Department of Computer Science.