The Integra Hero Program Electronic Based Systems Continuous Improvement Matching the title slide #36???
Phone Usage Schedule phone meetings Stay informed with follow-up calls to team/clients Check messages frequently/never Your response time establishes future expectations What are your rules for using PDAs/phones/e-mails etc.
Responsibility Map Office Manager 1. List all categories of job responsibilities 2. List all sub-categories Management Management Development Reports Meetings New Projects Employee Relations ISO 9000 R & D XXX Equipment Upgrade Office Manager Unions Awards Facilities Budget Clients Current Year Next Year GE Capital HP Production Customer Relations Line Output Special Orders Process Improvement Major Customers Satisfaction Surveys Exact copy of Day 1 Community Relations Board Memberships Contributions
Files Working Reference Archive Weekly Value Active projects, routine work, fingertip info, etc. Reference Monthly Value Completed projects, research projects, etc. Archive Yearly Value Rarely used, stored in archive facility MADE TITLES 25 pt (were 24 pt). Spaced text so words in line with those of slide before (but numbers closer to image
Organizing Documents 1. Select destination Create sub-folder, Ex.: “1 Lynn’s Documents” 3. Create WEP subfolders: 1 Working 2 Reference 3 Archive 4 Personal (optional) I guess David M and I deleted Bubble # 4 Align the bubbles vertically? I listed #3,s vertically. Should bubbles fade a little as new one pops up
Expanding Your Organization Structure Create sub-category folders in 1 Working for all action categorie (Responsibility Map) Create parallel sub-category folders for 2 Reference (Responsibility Map) 3. Repeat for all subfolders: 3 Archive or 4 Personal Uncapitalized #1 heading. On #2, move 2 to 2nd line (so it reads : 2 Reference
Expanding Your Organization Structure 1. Create sub-category folders in 1 Working for all action categories (Responsibility Map) Match your Responsibility Map Each folder = area of responsibility Each sub-folder = division within that Create parallel sub-category folders for 2 Reference (Responsibility Map) Structuring files = easy retrieval & maintenance 3. Repeat for all subfolders: 3 Archive or 4 Personal Boldfaced #1
Continue Sub-folders 1. Create additional sub-folders 2. Mix document types “+” expands folder “--” collapses it Paul - #2 not illustrated with document types. Move? Colors out of order change scrreenshot
Naming Your Files Consider the name you assign Example: Silverman 06 Jun Invoice.xls Silverman 07 Jul Invoice.xls Silverman Proposal.doc Silverman Proposal revision 01.doc Silverman Proposal revision 02.doc Silverman Report 01 qtr.xls 1. Consider ”Silverman” subfolder 2. Use numeric/alpha system for chronological order 3. Consider “Invoices”, “Proposals” subfolders Deleted periods at ends of callout text
Renaming Your Files: Example Silverman Corporation Invoices 06 Jun.xls 07 Jul.xls Proposals Original.doc Revision 01.doc Revision 02.doc Reports 01 qtr.xls Your newly named sub-folders might have this hierarchy.
Electronic vs. Paper My Documents Folder = Paper-Based System 1st Tier (1 Working) = File drawer 2nd Tier (Clients) = Section of a file drawer 3rd Tier (Draper) = Group of hanging files 4th Tier (WEP) = Specific hanging file 5th Tier (Pilot Program) = File folder 6th Tier (Module 1.ppt) = PowerPoint document Practice Break
Basic outlook Filing structure Create 1 Working, 2 Reference, and 3 Archive folders Create sub-folders. Note the 4 Personal folder Check folder locations Create a 5 Old Inbox folder and move old emails, for review later Revise bubble colors
Basic Outlook Filing Structure Create sub-categories for quick retrieval
Toolbar Views Ensure Standard and Advanced toolbars are showing Steps: Enable Consistency with Day 3 sub-titlesK?
The Secret to Organizing Free Your Mind and Your Time!
Calendar: The Conductor of Your Time Another imagge
Rule the Day with Calendar
What's Wrong with This Picture?
Applying the 4 D's to Email
Contacts Addresses must be filled out manually but very important for mailing later on
Outlook Magic Trick Where does this e-mail belong? Drag it here and watch what happens
Don’t forget to fill in and correct the information
Outlook Task
Applying the 4 D's to Email
Schedule Management Project manager tool If you fill in Start date the Due date will automatically fill in
Multi-step Tasks Complete task Add notes Change Start date
Outlook Rules Use Rules and Alerts to filter and control emails Rules tell Outlook how to filter, identify and handle emails Tools lets Outlook work for you
Rules and Alerts
Basic Set-up Options Practice Break 1. Select: File Options General 2. Explore all options in Outlook, as well as General, Mail, Calendar, etc. Practice Break
The 4 D’s, Version 2.0 D Do it Designate it Delegate it Delete it
Designate Means Assign Time Set appointments with yourself Practice = habit = effectiveness
New Appointments 3. Repeat or recurring? 2. All-day event? 6. Appointment visibility 7. Color coding 5. Want a reminder? 8. Add notes 1. Subject, Location, Time & Date are standard 4. Use Categories Colors, align, animation in order? Screenshot?
Best Taskpad View On Calendar See your tasks on a calendar rather than as a ”To Do” list
Recurring Appointment “Must Haves” 2. Schedule WEP maintenance quarterly (minimum 30 minutes) 1. Back up weekly Practice Break
What’s Our Mantra? Do it NOW!
Contact us Paul Silverman Ph: 914.923.5049 1360 Whitehill Rd. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Ph: 914.923.5049